Author(s): Michele Bertelli

'No water, no life': Drought threatens farmers and food in Italy

Source(s): Context
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Last year people could walk across the river bed in places. A boat sunk in World War Two stood high and dry in the mud and gauges showed water levels below what normally counts as zero.

Italy is far from alone. Agricultural production is also under strain in France and Spain and the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization says 3.2 billion people worldwide live in areas facing high to very high water scarcity.

Attilio Fontana, president of the Lombardy region, centred on Milan, said last month that regional water storage levels were less than half what they normally are at this time of year.

Coldiretti, Italy's main farmer's association, said the sector had lost some 6 billion euros ($6.6 billion) last year and predicted 300,000 businesses would lose more if the drought does not end.


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Hazards Drought
Country and region Italy
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