Inland Water Ways
Primary reference(s)
United Nations, European Union and the International Transport Forum at the OECD, 2019. Glossary for transport statistics. 5th Edition. Accessed 30 November 2019.
Additional scientific description
The Glossary for Transport Statistics prepared by the United Nations, the European Union and the International Transport Forum at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2019) gives additional information for Inland Waterways Transportation Accidents, and describes these as an event that has resulted in any of the following: the death of, or serious injury to, a person that is caused by, or in connection with, the operations of an Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) vessel; or the loss of a person from an IWT vessel that is caused by, or in connection with, the operations of an IWT vessel; or the loss, presumed loss or abandonment of an IWT vessel; or material damage to an IWT vessel; or the stranding or disabling of an IWT vessel, or the involvement of an IWT vessel in a collision; or material damage to the inland waterways’ infrastructures external to a vessel that could seriously endanger the safety of the vessel or another vessel or an individual; or damage to the environment brought about by the damage of an IWT vessel or IWT vessels being caused by, or in connection with, the operations of an IWT vessel or IWT vessels.
Any accident in connection with the normal operation of the vessel, including when it is in port or at anchor is covered.
Terrorism, other criminal acts and acts of war are excluded. By definition suicides are excluded as they are a deliberate act. Illness not related to operation of the ship is excluded.
Metrics and numeric limits
Statistically agreed metrics for an Inland Waterway Accident are as follows (European Union and the International Transport Forum at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2019):
- Fatal accident: any injury resulting in a person killed.
- Non-fatal accident: any injury incident other than a fatal accident.
- Person killed: any person killed immediately or dying within 30 days as a result of an injury accident excluding suicides.
- Person injured: any person who as a result of an injury accident was not killed immediately or not dying within 30 days but sustained an injury, normally needing medical treatment, excluding attempted suicides.
A suicide or an attempted suicide is a deliberate act to injure oneself fatally and is therefore not considered as an accident. However, if a suicide or an attempted suicide causes injury to another person on an IWT vessel, then this is regarded as an injury accident (United Nations, European Union and the International Transport Forum at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2019).
Key relevant UN convention / multilateral treaty
The multilateral convention relating to the limitation of the liability of owners of inland navigation vessels (CLN) (UN Treaty Collection, 1973).
Examples of drivers, outcomes and risk management
United Nations, European Union and the International Transport Forum at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2019) details drivers of this hazard as collision, storm, overloading, stability failure, excessive current, and bottom damage. For malicious acts refer to societal hazards.
The UK Inland Waterways Association Safety Policy (2012) presents information on the roles and responsibilities of those involved in their association and subsidiaries to prevent and reduce the risk of accidents occurring.
UK Inland Waterways Association, 2012. Safety policy: Roles and responsibilities. Accessed 30 November 2019.
UN Treaty Collection, 1973. Chapter XI: Transport and communications: D. Water transport: 1. Convention relating to the limitation of the liability of owners of inland navigation vessels (CLN). Accessed 30 November 2019.
United Nations, European Union and the International Transport Forum at the OECD, 2019. Glossary for transport statistics. 5th Edition. Accessed 30 November 2019.