Global meeting of national platforms for disaster risk reduction
Goal: The Global Meeting of National Platforms Focal Points aims to contribute to implement the Hyogo Framework for Action through support to multi-stakeholder National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Specific Objectives
1. Provide a forum for National Platforms and selected HFA focal points to share information and knowledge in coordinating national initiatives for disaster risk reduction
2. Discuss challenges and priority actions for National Platforms, including suggestions for UNISDR and other ISDR partners’ support
3. Adopt a common position on National Platforms with recommendations by National Platforms to be communicated to the second session of the Global Platform’s Informal Plenary
4. Share existing tools and services made available by ISDR system partners for National Platforms
Expected Outputs
1. Examples of recent development and/or good practices on setting up and sustaining National Platforms shared and discussed
2. Recommendations made to enhance the effectiveness of UNISDR and ISDR partner support to National Platforms
3. Recommendations made by/on National Platforms as input for Global Platform discussions and to inform the Chair’s Summary
4. Better understanding of the constraints and needs of National Platforms and HFA Focal Points in their daily work on disaster risk reduction
5. Better knowledge of existing guidance notes, tools and services available for National Platforms and connection between National Platform and ISDR system service providers established/ facilitated