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Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET) CET is an interdisciplinary research centre working on climate and energy transformation, in line with one of the University of Bergen’s core priority areas. It is based at the Faculty of Social Science, and is administered by the Department of Geography. NORCE and NHH are partners in the centre. The centre's goal is to produce actionable knowledge that can inform policy and practice about how to achieve rapid, just and deep transformation of society to mitigate climate change.
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.