Applied earth sciences
Enschede, The Netherlands
The course deals with state-of-the-art geo-information science and earth observation applied to problems with an earth science context. Teaching is tuned to key tasks that employees in earth science organisations are expected to perform. The educational approach is project-based, centred on assignments with supporting lecture topics. Course participants are stimulated to develop a self-learning attitude and are assigned to a tutor. The course focuses on the acquisition, interpretation, integration, analysis and modelling of earth science information coupled with remote sensing data. Course participants are able to choose from a variety of course elements in line with one of the four streams: Geo-hazards, Geo and environmental engineering, Earth resources exploration or Earth science data provision.
Geo-information science, Earth observation, Geo-hazards, Geo-engineering, Earth resource exploration, Earth science data provision.
Target audience
The course is designed for earth scientists that want to learn state-of-the-art geo-information and earth observation techniques, and develop academic skills leading to independent research and eventually the defense of an MSc thesis. Participants are mid-career professionals with a university background or recent university graduates in a field of earth science relevant to the chosen specialization (e.g. geologists, geomorphologists, soil scientists, civil engineers, physical geographers, geophysicists, geochemists).
Admission requirement
Applicants should have a BSc degree or equivalent from a recognised university in a discipline related to the course, preferably combined with working experience in a relevant field.
The website of The Netherlands Organization for Cooperation in Higher Education, may provide additional information. Please note that in most cases procedures are long, so make sure to have your application sent in time.
Ms Anneke Nikijuluw
International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) Hengelosestraat 99 P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA, The Netherlands
Tel:+31 534874444
Fax:+31 534874259
E-mail:[email protected]