Climate and disaster risk management course
AASTMT and GFDRR are offering Climate and Disaster Risk Management on-line course, which is a specialized course within the comprehensive Natural Disaster Risk Management Program, targeting development practitioners, central, state and local government officials, NGO representatives, community leaders and others interested in challenges and issues related to disaster risk reduction and management.
This online course aims at supporting the global agenda of managing the risks associated to climate change through increased knowledge and awareness of development practitioners and policy makers at national and local level. The course gives a brief introduction to the science of climate change, reviews the climate change impacts on natural hazards, the trends in magnitude and frequency of climatic extremes and changes in average climatic conditions. It explores the inter-linkages between disaster risk management and climate change adaptation and outlines strategies, methods and tools for integrated climate risk management.
The main objective of the course is to provide a better understanding of the implications of climate change for disaster risk management. It reviews the causes, trends and impacts and introduces options – methods, tools - to consider for integrating climate change in disaster management. This course aims at improving the understanding of the changes in the global climate and their impact on weather-related hazards, such as floods, heat waves, droughts and storms, the consequences of changes in weather-related hazards on disaster risk with implications on economic development and vulnerability of people; the resulting additional challenges for disaster risk management; and issues to be considered in disaster risk management in light of the changing climate.
Interested development professionals should submit their application form by October 24, 2010 to the following email: [email protected].
The course fee is 90US$. This includes the cost of the CD-Rom with the training materials, facilitation during the course and certificates to participants who successfully completed the course.
Mr. Tamer M. Abou Gharara, MSc
Course Manager,
Telefax : +2 02 22675006
Cell : +2 012 3786798
E-Mail : [email protected]
The Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport,
Postgraduate Studies Complex,
Block 1167, off El-Moshir Ahmed Ismail St.,
Masaken Sheraton, Cairo, Egypt, P.O. Box 2033 – El-Horria