Study and Management of Geological Risk
Geneva, Switzerland.
CERG - Certificat de spécialisation en évaluation et management des Risques Géologiques
The aim of this course is to educate its participants on how to incorporate risk science into everyday reality in an attempt to reduce losses to an acceptable level. Another crucial component of our program is training participants on how to communicate effectively with government agencies, media, public and private sectors before, during and after natural hazard events.
CERG in a nutshell:
- 5 modules: risk management, hazards related to floods and climate change, seismic hazards, landslide hazards, volcanic hazards
- Schedule: 7 weeks of lectures (including field work), 2 weeks of exams, 4 weeks of research (including potential internships) for the compilation of the final Memoir
- Teaching team: 22 international experts in the field of geological risk
Risk management, Seismic risk, Volcanic risk, Terrain instabilities, Hydrologic risk, Climate change.
Disaster Management Professionals.
Graduate degree in various fields of Earth Sciences (i.e. Geography, Goetechnics, Geology etc.), civil engineering, land planning or other related fields with relevant professional experience. Proficiency in English.
Duly filled application form, a short Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages), copies of certificates and diplomas, copies of official transcript of grades, a short proposal of your potential research project for the CERG Mémoire (see WebPage for details) (max 1 page), list of publications (if any) and a copy of 1 or 2 relevant publications (if any), two recent letters of recommendation with name, address, phone number, fax number and academic/professional relationship letter from your Employer or Supervisor authorizing your CERG application copy of your passport or ID.
Limited options of financial assistance from different institutions are available.
Secretariat CERG - Département de Minéralogie
13, rue des Maraîchers - CH-1205 Genève, Switzerland
Tel. + 41 22 379 66 02
Fax + 41 22 379 36 01
E-mail: [email protected]