
National policies, plans and risk and governance profile(s)

Documents and publications
This case study provides an overview of the integration of social protection and anticipatory action (AA) in Haiti, categorized as a highly fragile and conflict-affected country.
Documents and publications
The objective of the Climate and Health Vulnerability Assessment (CHVA) is to assist decision-makers in Haiti with planning effective adaptation measures to address climate-related health risks.
Documents and publications
This study aims to assess the impact of urbanization and deforestation on river flooding in Cap-Haïtien by applying the hydrological model Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and the hydrodynamic model Sobek-Rural.
Documents and publications
The analysis sheds light on disaster preparedness in five “data deprived” countries: Belize, Dominica, Haiti, Saint Lucia, and Suriname. Preparing for—and responding to—disasters requires a people-centered approach.
Documents and publications
In this study, the authors are analysing the effects that the earthquakes that hit the Dominican Republic (2003), Honduras (2007 and 2009) and Haiti (2010) had on gender relations, making comparisons between urban and rural areas.
Documents and publications
This publication examines recently collected data from Haiti’s social registry new shock module to measure the scale of the August 2021 earthquake’s impact on households and assess the adequacy of the relief response.
Cover and source: Global Earthquake Model Foundation
Documents and publications
This seismic risk profile of Haiti, produced by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation summarizes key metrics of seismic risk, allowing stakeholders in risk management to get an overview of the risk in the country.
Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems’Capacities in the Caribbean Region
Documents and publications
This study provides an updated assessment of the status of MHEWS for all CDEMA Participating States (PS).

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The International Recovery Platform strengthens knowledge and information on building back better in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.

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