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Consultancy -- targeting methodology for Caribbean communities (tool development & training)

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Various methods are currently being employed to identify which Caribbean communities in each country are most at risk to disasters. Some of these methods are quite systematic while others appear more ad hoc.

The Red Cross recognizes that a more systematic and transparent process is required to prioritize communities and maximize the benefit of Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR). The Caribbean Disaster Management (CDM) Framework makes targeting a priority and a number of CDEMA participants have identified better targeting as essential. To date, some organizations have developed targeting tools and examples of this work exist through OAS, USAID, CDEMA and UNISDR. However, these tools do not factor in community issues with regards to livelihood, environmental exposure and economic vulnerability. Also, most current risk mapping focuses on large events, whereas the frequent impact of small disasters on smaller communities is rarely monitored in depth.

Through the Red Cross Caribbean Disaster Risk Management Resource Center, the consultant will research, develop, and pilot a Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) standardised holistic and gender sensitive vulnerability targeting approach with a methodology that can be used at National and Regional levels by all DRR actors to more accurately determine communities most are risk and contributes to CDM Output 4.4.

Purpose and Users

To develop a targeting methodology which will be used to transparently and consistently select the most vulnerable communities in a country, preferably in the consistent manner, by any stakeholder (Government, NGO, RCRC) throughout the Region as part of the IFRC information sharing in the Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) Civil Society Sector Sub-Committee.


Targeting methodology desk review

- Conduct research on the indicators that are currently being used to identify vulnerable communities in the Caribbean;
- Review the pilot of the community selection tool developed by the IFRC in 2011;
- Identify key challenges and opportunities in the use of targeting tools; and
- Develop indicators for identifying hazards, vulnerabilities and capacities and for making strategic decisions for targeting communities for CBDRR.

A recommendation of best practices should be captured in a report not exceeding 30 pages (appendices not included). The report should include an Executive Summary. Appendices should include a terms of reference, list of interviewees, documents reviewed and mapping exercises.

Identify/adapt/create a consistent methodology

- Develop and agree on an easy-to-use methodology for community targeting; and
- Prepare the required documentation for effective application of the methodology for use of the selection instrument.

Methodology documentation should not exceed twenty pages and the recommended targeting criteria should not exceed two pages. The methodology must include gender-sensitivity components

Presentation of model

- Meet with the IFRC Caribbean Regional Representation Office, the Caribbean Red Cross Disaster Management Network and CDEMA Coordination Unit to present, review and explain the methodology; and
- Develop a report on results and feedback for submission to the Resource Center.

Pilot and test the model

- Test the methodology in CBDRR interventions in Jamaica, Guyana and/or Dominica.


As part of the proposal document, the consultant is expected to propose the most appropriate methodology required for the abovementioned deliverables. The methodology must include gender and environment considerations.

Management and Period of Consultancy

- Management: Reporting to the IFRC CRRO Disaster Risk Reduction Manager and technical advisory group
- Timelines: Delivery no later than 31 March 2012


- Previous consultancy experience working with non-profit organization
- Regional experience preferred
- Exceptional analytical and research skills
- Ability to abide by the Seven Red Cross/Red Crescent Fundamental principles
- Experience working with gender, race and cultural sensitivities
- Proven ability in selection tools and methodology development
- Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, set priorities, and work independently with short deadlines.
- Written and spoken English.
- Must be able to travel in the Caribbean Region


Full job description English

Document links last validated on: 18 December 2019

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