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Disaster risk reduction project manager – W/F – Salomon

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Ref. ASIE0112

Context of the position

Humanitarian issues faced by the population Isolated population, vulnerable to natural hazards and climate change.

People living on the islands of the South Pacific are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters. The geographical dispersion of the islands, the lack of information on natural hazards (non-existent or unreliable warning systems), the lack of access to basic disaster response materials, and the difficulties in logistical supply are the major problems in this context. In addition, the Pacific is also one of the most vulnerable regions to the risks of disasters due to climate change. This is the case of several lowlying coral islands. In the international scientific community, it is generally accepted that these small islands have characteristics that make them particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, rising sea levels and extreme weather events. Among other things, it is expected that the various manifestations of climate change have impacts on infrastructure, human settlements and coastal resources, biodiversity and aquatic and land on water resources for many islands.

FRC past activities in country

Following the earthquake (magnitude 8.1) in April 2, 2007 forty kilometers south coast of the island of Gizo, a tsunami was generated, which impacted coastal populations. Gizo was the most affected and, because of a higher concentration of people, there were many displaced people unlike other islands. In addition, many schools and health centers/hospitals were destroyed or damaged. The FRC responded to the emergency funded by ECHO. This project was implemented in the regions of Choiseul, Tepakaza (Voza) Babatana (Sassamunga) and Viviri for 5 and half months. The FRC has implemented a project of € 350,000 to distribute tools, shelter kits and basic materials (plastic buckets…), rehabilitated water points and water supply networks, established rainwater harvesting system and community latrines.

At the same time, the FRC opened a delegation in Vanuatu in June 2007, which was composed of a Head of Delegation and an administrative assistant, based in Port Vila, on Efate Island. The main objective was to strengthen the capacity of the Vanuatu Red Cross and to support the development, and at the same time monitor the possible humanitarian issues.

End of 2009, an evaluation was carried out and a project targeting the most vulnerable population to natural disaster risk was presented to ECHO (DIPECHO funding) and accepted. Entitled “Becoming resilient together” (TBR), the project began in 2010 and ended in mid-June 2011. This is a regional project that includes two countries: Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.

In its second phase of implementation (June 2011-December 2012), this project’s main objective has been community action to reduce the risks of natural disasters based on participatory approaches of the Red Cross movement (VCA, CBDP, CBFA, etc…). This second phase has consolidated the activities implemented during the first phase and extended the communities of action.

FRC activities today

The delegation is based in Honiara, capital of Solomon Islands, on the island of Guadalcanal. The Solomon Islands delegation comes from the recent division of a single delegation comprising the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, which was under the responsibility of a single Head of Delegation.

The Delegation of the Solomon Islands is currently composed of a Head of Delegation and two project representatives. The mission is supported by an administrative, financial, and logistical coordinator.

Currently, four projects are underway:

o A mitigation project called " Together Becoming Resilient - Supporting Community Planning for More Resilient Solomon Islands " aka SCP, OFDA funded ( July 2012 - March 2015 ), a similar project is implemented in Vanuatu.
o The second phase of the project "Supporting Community Planning: Mitigating the Impact of Disasters by Copying with Water Challenges ( SCP2 )", officially began in September 2013 until the end of February 2015. It aims to diversify the access to water and improve hygiene practices in targeted communities in Solomon Islands.
o A project to establish a SIRCS branch in the province of Renbell funded by EuropeAid (NSA - Non- State Actors , 24 months , March 2012 - September 2014 ) . The main project activities are building knowledge and capacity of communities towards disaster risk and the development of health activities and primary health care in vulnerable communities across the province;
o A community based disaster and risk reduction project ( TBR3 - May 2013-July 2014 ) to implement an exit strategy for 24 targeted communities in the Solomon Islands and propose innovative mechanisms for replication of CBDRR activities.
In line with this project and to further replicate the TBR approach, FRC, in close cooperation with SIRCS, is starting a 4th phase of TBR initiative, through the project called Together becoming resilient: let’s be ready to face natural disasters!. The project, funded by OFDA (Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance) starts from August 1st 2014 for 18 months.

This recruitment takes place in the frame of the start and implementation of this project specifically. This project mainly consists of implementing DRR activities in the schools of Honiara, contributing to strengthen SIRCS and NDMO (National Disaster Management Office) coordination and capacities to respond to disasters, and implementing DRR activities in the communities of Savo Island.

The position

Respecting and applying the principles of RC / RC Movement (Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality), and under the authority of the Head of Delegation based in Honiara, the Coordinator of the DRR project will have to ensure the implementation of the following activities:

• To lead, supervise and monitor the project activities implementation;
• To maintain, boost and strengthen working relationship with Solomon Island Red Cross Society (SIRCS), as well as national and local partners such as NDMO (National Disaster Management Office), Ministry of Education and NGOs;
• To strengthen SIRCS and NDMO coordination and disaster response capacities;
• To use, develop and adapt the DRR common approach set up in the pacific area by the FRC to promote synergies with the other FRC ongoing DRR projects (in Vanuatu), define lessons learnt and capitalize on experience.

Hierarchical link

• Under the authority of the Head of Delegation based in Honiara
• Supervises operational teams (national staff and volunteers).

Functional link

• Work in close cooperation with his/her Regional Technical Referent based in Thailand, and with the DRR Technical Expertise Unit (FRC HQ) based in Paris.
• Functional links with the different components of the FRC delegation (logistic and administration/finance coordination)
• Collaborates with SIRCS (DRM manager), NDMO, relevant authorities, and other international organizations in the country as appropriate.



• Relevant educational background in Natural Disaster Risks, Geography, Environment or other DRR related courses
• Significant international experience in DRR project management
• Solid experience in institutional support to local and national authorities
• Experience in basic budget and financial follow-up is desirable
• Experience with OFDA funded projects is an asset
• Good knowledge/Experience of the Red Cross Movement is highly considered


• Flexible with a strong capacity of adaptation
• Able to manage stress
• Good analytical skills: ability to analyse and synthesize large amounts of information
• High sense of diplomacy, patience, tenacity, teaching skills
• Managerial competencies, engaging partners
• Strong communication and representation skills
• Abilities to work with communities
• Experience / Knowledge of Solomon Islands/Pacific region is an asset


• Good professional English is mandatory
• French is an asset

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