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Documentation Consultant for SAMBAL Peer Learning Yatras

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Program for Strengthening Preparedness for Emergency Response and Recovery in India (PROSPER-India) is a three-year program initiated by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) with support from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) in India. The program focuses on providing technical support to the Government of Bihar (GoB) in implementation of DRR activities identified in the Bihar DRR Roadmap (2015-2030) in key government departments and government of India. The program is an extension and upscaling of “Applying Bihar Recommendations: Building State-Level Emergency Response Capacity” initiated by ADPC in 2015 with support from BMGF. 

Purpose and outline of the assignment

Under the output on “Good Practices, Lessons Learned and knowledge gained from Phase I adopted in other high-risk states of India and national programs” one of the proposed activities is in relation to facilitating learning for officers of key departments of GoB to learn from best practices being followed in other states of India that draw upon existing policies and schemes/government funding mechanism available to promote DRR in sectoral interventions. It is proposed that such peer learning opportunities, in conjunction with ‘SAMBAL – Surakshit Bihar ka Lakshya’ learning and resource portal of GoB will facilitate learning as well as sharing beyond Bihar. Consolidated as “SAMBAL Peer Learning Yatras on DRR”, a series of 4 learning journeys are envisaged in different parts of India to enable peer learning for GoB officials to effectively integrate DRR in their sectoral work. In addition, the culmination of the Yatra initiative will be in the form of a SAMBAL Peer Learning Sammelan or congregation, that will serve as a platform for sharing the outcomes of the initiative by each participating department and chalking out the next steps by the GoB. 

The services of a documentation consultant are required to capture, capture; the practical essence of the good practices being visited as part of the SAMBAL Yatras such that GoB officials have a ready reference for promoting selected good practices within their departments. These will be compiled as part of the report for each Yatra. The report of the SAMBAL Peer learning Sammelan will be developed to map the sectoral outcomes of this effort and discuss ways in which these outcomes can be enhanced. Additionally, a documentation of the process followed for the SAMBAL peer learning Yatra initiative along with its outcomes needs to be undertaken by the consultant. 

The duration of this assignment will be approximately 72 days spread over 12 months from 15 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. 

Required qualifications

The consultant should have a master’s degree in any subject related to Disaster Management/Social Sciences/any other relevant discipline from a recognized university with excellent command over English. The consultant must also have 3-5 years of demonstrated experience in producing quality knowledge products, preferably both audio-visual and print. 

Statement of work

Under the overall guidance of the South-South Learning and Knowledge Management Coordinator, and with support from the Program Manager, PROSPER India, and Program Coordinator, the consultant shall be responsible for drafting and finalizing the report of each Yatra capturing the practical nuances of each good practice being visited as well as developing the report of the SAMBAL peer learning sammelan. The consultant shall also develop the final report and process document of the initiative in a print-ready format. 

The specific task will include:

  • Joining each yatra to capture the best practices being visited, their success, challenges and possibility of replication/adaptation to Bihar as discussed at the Yatra.
  • Take good and high-quality photos, document testimonials of the activities and feedback from the participants, different people/agencies engaged during each Yatra for good practice documentation and case study development development. 
  • Develop a two-page brief on each good practice to capture the practical details of its implementation to serve as a ready reference for sectoral department in GoB to take forward (4-6 good practices will be visited in each yatra, each of these will need to be documented as 2 page briefs for future reference and citation by departments replicating/adapting them in Bihar)
  • Compile the above two pagers briefs along with key points of discussion and learning to develop four develop four reports and high-quality video clips capturing each yatra. 
  • Compile the report of SAMBAL Peer Learning Yatra Sammelan.
  • Consolidate the entire yatra experience and its outcomes as a short report.
  • Develop a process document capturing the process followed, its successes and challenges for future reference and a 3-minute video clip. All video testimonials and photos should be of high quality and properly indexed to be further utilized for project activities.

Period of engagement

The consultant is expected to spend about 72 days on this assignment through 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. 

Expected outputs

  • iReport of SAMBAL Peer Learning Yatra – 1 (including a video clip and two-page briefs of each good practice visited in Print ready format)
  • Report of SAMBAL Peer Learning Yatra – 2 (including a video clip and two-page briefs of each good practice visited in Print ready format)
  • Report of SAMBAL Peer Learning Yatra – 3 (including a video clip and two-page briefs of each good practice visited in Print ready format)
  • Report of SAMBAL Peer Learning Yatra – 4 (including a video clip and two-page briefs of each good practice visited in Print ready format)
  • Report of SAMBAL Peer Learning Yatra Sammelan
  • Consolidated Report of SAMBAL Peer Learning Yatra Initiative 
  • Process document of SAMBAL Peer Learning Yatra Initiative and a 3-minutes video clip

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