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Firm (Regional) - web development

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1. About Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

ADPC is an autonomous international organization with a vision to reduce disaster and climate risk impacts on communities and countries in Asia and the Pacific by working with governments, development partners, international organizations, NGOs, civil society, private sector, media, and other key stakeholders.

Established in 1986 as a technical capacity building center, ADPC has grown and diversified its expertise across social and physical sciences to support sustainable solutions for risk reduction across a broad range of specialist areas. With over 100 staff from 19 different nationalities and a wide range of professional expertise from atmospheric scientists to social scientists with experiences from all levels of engagement typically required for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Resilience (CR) in an effective manner. ADPC is a competent regional resource center and has seven thematic departments: ADPC Academy, Risk Governance, Climate Resilience, Urban Resilience, Health Risk Management, Preparedness for Response and Recovery, Geospatial Information. These are supported by Finance, Human Resources and Administration, and Strategic Planning departments. In addition to the departments, ADPC works on three cross-cutting themes: Gender and Diversity, Poverty and Livelihoods, and Regional and Transboundary Cooperation through permanent working committees.

ADPC Strategy 2020 guides the organization in providing comprehensive risk reduction support to countries and communities in Asia and the Pacific. ADPC recognizes the importance of examining the linkages between disaster risk management, poverty reduction, gender equality, sustainability, rights-based approaches, climate change and regional cooperation.

For details please refer to ADPC website at

2. Introduction of the project

Disasters take a huge toll on the development agenda of SAR countries. Between 2000 and 2017, disasters in South Asia incurred estimated damages of US$ 149.27 billion. Public expenditure is under stress by the repeated need to reallocate capital budgets away from long term development planning and towards reconstruction activities in post-disaster environments. For example, since 2005, Pakistan has suffered losses on the order of US$ 16 billion due to natural disasters. In Bangladesh, 2007 Cyclone Sidr resulted in damages and losses of US$1.7 billion, or 2.6 per cent of GDP.

To increase resilience and achieve climate commitments, there is a need for a transformational shift towards policies and institutions that enable climate resilient investments. Investing in more resilient infrastructure is both profitable and urgent as disruptions are extremely costly for governments, households and private sector and large ongoing investments in infrastructure assets will have long-lasting repercussions as poor maintenance and natural disasters result in a vulnerable stock.

With the financial support from the World Bank Group, ADPC will be implementing a five years’ project, titled “Climate Adaptation and Resilience Project for South Asia” (CARE). The project aims to create an enabling environment for climate resilience policies and investments across South Asia. This objective will be achieved through enhanced regional cooperation and knowledge exchange for climate resilience and adaptation and mainstreaming of resilience and adaptation in national policies, plans and investments.

In this setting, a highly effective firm is required to assist the CARE South Asia Project on web development and knowledge management vis-à-vis the different activities and outputs of the project. The firm needs to attain the following objective:

Develop and maintain Climate Resilient South Asia website and Knowledge Hub**

3. Statement of Intent

The firm needs to work closely with Communications and Knowledge Management Specialist of the CARE South Asia Project to work towards the following:

Design, develop and maintain CARE Website/ Climate Resilient South Asia Knowledge Hub

- Develop the user-friendly (both on the front and back end) design, layout, structure, all including strong visual language and a responsive design for the website based on Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Plone, or other very widely used Content Management System by following an iterative development process;
- Integrate effective search and aggregate functions that interact with social media platforms, a discussion board, and linkages to an easily managed e-mail newsletter being published through Campaign Monitor
- Integrate site content search functionality. The site will include a site search function to help user find content.
- Develop and integrate a knowledge management system with the ability to maintain multiple “content collections,” such as those that are enabled by “content types”. Site functionality will allow these collections to be stores, displayed and administered in multiple ways and locations on the site based on specific criteria. Recently submitted documents can be displayed and promoted on the home page. Documents will be available for direct download from the site.
- Provide a “Calendar” item area on the homepage with details of upcoming national, regional and global event details including location, dates and event attachments.
- The site should also have search engine optimization. Content should be optimized to increase visibility in search engine results.
- Provide guidance to ADPC on web hosting needs and security setups and administration privileges and controls;
- The Site should be based on WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Plone, or other very widely used Content Management System in order to take advantage of a global developer-base, security patches, specialized extensions, back-end translations, front-end translation manager, etc.
- Provide templates for back-end content updating from the project team
- The site should have a feature to share regular analytics on the portal usage, accessibility, engagement and other parameters
- Develop a clear and accessible user guide and troubleshooting manual for the website and the Content Management System (CMS);
- Train a minimum of two ADPC staff on how to manage the new website and CMS and easy to read user guide/training guide;
- Provide regular maintenance and updates of CARE website for 3 months during which the contractor will provide training to ADPC staff on the same;
- Easy integration with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networking platforms.
- The primary interface and menu system for phase one of the site will be presented in English
- Site design and functionality must adhere to the branding requirements of ADPC. (These requirements includes items such as correct logo placement and logo versions)
- The vendor will carry out necessary configuration of servers, hosts, DNS, SQL or other database, application, Apache, and other back-end elements are required in order to develop, migrate, and launch the site securely and with strong performance.
- It is probable that the hosting/server for the site will be on a commercial hosting service, purchased by ADPC, which offers control panels as well as command-line access to administer host, DNS, subdomains, and so forth.
- It is acceptable that the website’s development takes place on servers owned by the vendor, and prior to launch, the site is migrated to the chosen permanent server/host according to the program timeline.**

4. Deliverables

- Development of graphic design, and layout of the website
- Develop the actual site and knowledge hub based on scope of work outlined in Section C
- Detailed written document for basic steps and procedures to administer and maintain the website
- Train 2 or more staff on website management and provide Website User Manual
- Detailed written document with technical specifications of website
- Provide regular maintenance and updates of the website for 3 years

5. Reporting Relationships

The Firm will report to Project Director. The technical oversight will be provided by the Communications and Knowledge Management Specialist (Regional) at the Bangkok office through the PIU. The Firm will also coordinate with the other CARE project specialists at the regional and national level to carry out different activities under the project.

6. Contract Duration

The contract duration will be for one (1) year. The firm’s performance will be reviewed on an output/deliverable basis.

The expected timeline for development phase (by/before) is:

Date(s) - Activities

1 December 2020 - Kick-Off Meeting

10 December 2020 - Initial site sketch

25 December 2020 - Beta site deployment

3 January 2021 - 1st offline running test

8 January 2021 - 2 nd web coding process development

12 January 2021 - 2nd offline running test

15 January 2021 - Finalized – live site launched

18 - 22 January 2021 - Provide administration training of site to ADPC

25 – 29 January 2021 - Handover technical specifications of website

7. Selection Method

The Firm will be selected in accordance with ADPC’s procurement process and in compliance with the World Bank Procurement Regulations.

8. Terms of Payment

a) 30% of professional fees upon contract signing

b) 30% of professional fees upon Beta site deployment

c) 40% of professional fees after receipt of satisfactory final outputs

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Country and region Thailand
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