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Practice coordinator - disaster risk reduction and recovery P5

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The goal of BCPR’s presence in UNDP Regional Service Centers (RSCs) is to ensure substantive advice on crisis prevention and recovery (CPR) issues to all UNDP work streams. Specifically, the BCPR/RSC component provides substantive partnerships support and performs cross-practice integration and coordination functions strengthening BCPR support to UNDP COs. In full consultation with APSD in New York, the BCPR/RSC presence aims to provide proximate and immediate technical and advisory services to Country Offices in the region on conflict and disaster issues, regional practice development, cross-practice collaboration, management of CPR regional programmes and provides localized hands-on support during emergencies.

Under the direct supervision of the Regional Portfolio Advisor (Africa) in New York and guidance from the Director, Regional Service Centre, and in close coordination with the Coordinator (Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery Team), the Practice Coordinator, Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery, will be based in the UNDP Regional Service Centre in Dakar, Senegal.

Duties and responsibilities 

Summary of key functions

• Coordinates the CPR practice team in the region and prepares the regional practice work plan under the guidance of BCPR and RBA, and contributing to HQ-led crisis-response effort
• Develops and implements regional sub-regional and cross-border initiatives in the area of crisis prevention and recovery
• Performs programme development functions and provides high-level policy and technical advisory in the area of Conflict Prevention and 
• Recovery to the Regional Service Center Leads in the advocacy for the CPR practice in the region and provides partnership-building and resource mobilization support
• Provides direct support to country offices when specifically requested by CSMT/NY
• Performs knowledge management functions entailing the provision of high-quality inputs to global CPR policy formulation, as well as practice development and mainstreaming of CPR issues in the region
• Coordinates the CPR practice team in the region and prepares the regional practice work plan under the guidance of BCPR and RBA, and contributing to HQ-led crisis-response effort, focusing on achievement of the following results

- Leads the Practice Team in the establishment of output based work plans, their regular management and mentoring and document progress towards achievement of the outputs.
- Create an environment of team spirit and high motivation leading the team towards achieving organizational goals.
- Supervision of other BCPR staff assigned to the region on disaster reduction and recovery issues, including national disaster reduction advisors, consultants and staff on short-term assignments
- Inputs to the preparation of UNDP corporate and business plans pertaining to CPR issues in the region.
- Co-ordination of the preparation of BCPR annual regional activity plans, relating to CPR in the region, undertaking regular reviews of progress and supervising the preparation of regular progress reports

• Develops and implements regional sub-regional and cross-border initiatives in the area of crisis prevention and recovery, focusing on achievement of the following results

- Appraisal of proposals for national and regional capacity building projects and recommendation, where appropriate, to the Bureau Project Appraisal Committee (BPAC)
- Provision of substantive inputs from the region in support of the roster of experts on disaster reduction and recovery issues

• Performs programme development functions and provides high-level policy and technical advisory in the area of Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery to the Regional Service Center, focusing on achievement of the following results

- Provision of policy level input for the development of national and regional disaster reduction and recovery strategies; institutional and legislative systems for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into national development planning and programming and the enhancement of capacities for disaster recovery (pre-DRP) and for conducting PDNAs
- Support to the development of synergies between UNDP disaster risk reduction strategies and relevant regional and national strategies related to other practice areas of UNDP particularly environment, governance and poverty alleviation
- Development and lead implementation of regional disaster reduction support projects and supervision of regional programme support staff as necessary in consultation with the Programme Advisor, DRT
- Collaboration with the Regional Technical Advisors (climate change) of the Energy and Environment Group of UNDP Bureau for Development Policy and promotion of interaction between Energy and Environment focal points and Disaster Risk reduction focal points in UNDP Country Offices in the region. Use of this cross-practice interaction to help develop a portfolio of projects that promote a risk management approach to adaptation to climate change.
- Lead the UN agencies and collaborate with the EC and the WN/GFDRR in the preparation for and conduction of PDNAs and subsequent lessons learned exercises.
- Organization of and/or substantive contribution to regional and sub-regional consultations on appropriate disaster risk reduction and recovery policy initiatives and presentation of evidence-based inputs for regional policy development based on the lessons learned and thematic results of UNDP’s experience in disaster risk reduction in the region
- Preparation of regional inputs for the formulation of UNDP corporate policy, guidelines and practice notes on disaster risk reduction and recovery
- Preparation of regional analytical inputs and proposed recommendations for inclusion in UN System resolutions through contributions to various UN System reports on disaster risk reduction and recovery such as ECOSOC reports, Secretary General’s Reports, UNDP Administrators reports, progress reports on the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and others
- Contribution to the development of international thematic policies, ensuring that the needs, lessons learned and priorities of UNDP national and regional programming are appropriately reflected

• Leads in the advocacy for the CPR practice in the region and provides partnership-building and resource mobilization support, focusing on achievement of the following results

- Representation of BCPR on policy, strategy and technical matters in inter-agency, regional and international meetings; presentation of UNDP position on disaster reduction and recovery issues, and relevant policies, strategies, results and lessons learned in workshops, seminars and conferences.
- Support to regional advocacy efforts related to the promotion, adoption and endorsement of regional disaster reduction and recovery strategies
- Supervision of the production and dissemination of both regular and occasional reports on UNDP activities in disaster reduction and recovery in the region
- Lead in the preparation of national and regional evidence to support increased investment in disaster risk reduction
- Identification and follow up on potential opportunities for resource mobilization in support of national and regional programming in the region and undertaking of working level negotiations with counterparts in multi and bilateral agencies located in the region
- In post-disaster situations, contributions to the preparation of appeals in co-ordination with OCHA’s regional advisors, ensuring that UNDP transition recovery needs are adequately reflected.
- Facilitating internal advocacy efforts related to mainstreaming disaster reduction and recovery into UNDP supported development initiatives in the region.
- Support to organization of donor briefings and presentations, with donor representatives in the region, for resource mobilization purposes
- Regional Representation of BCPR on matters of operational policy and strategy in inter-organizational working groups and participation in task forces within established inter-organizational bodies and networks towards developing common programming principles and approaches and joint programmes for disaster reduction and recovery
- Identification of critical components for the development of strategic regional partnerships and alliances relevant to the achievement of UNDPs overall strategy and policies in the region, with other UN organizations (in particular OCHA, ISDR Secretariat and other disaster-related programmes), multilateral organizations as WB/GFDRR, regional member state organizations, scientific, academic and technical organizations and with donors and programme countries
- Contribution to the negotiations in establishing such partnerships, drafting of agreements and monitoring their implementation, with a particular emphasis on partnerships with, and capacity development of African organizations
- Leadership of the UN agencies for the conduction of PDNAs exercises and development of recovery
- Provision of advice to BCPR in building strategic regional alliances and developing compacts within UNDP and between BCPR/UNDP and other UN agencies and international organizations with respect to disaster reduction and recovery
- Promotion of co-operation with other BCPR units; support alliances and working partnerships within UNDP (Dakar Regional Service Centre, BDP policy advisors, BCPR/NY) mainstreaming disaster reduction into UNDP supported development initiatives, creating synergies and coherence in UNDP efforts

• Provides direct support to country offices when specifically requested by CSMT/NY, focusing on achievement of the following results

- In collaboration with the BCPR APSD/Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery Team (DRRRT), provision of support to the national capacity and programme development in key thematic areas: climate risk management, disaster risk identification, urban risk management, institutional and legislative systems, and enhancing gender sensitivity of DRR initiatives. 

• Performs knowledge management functions entailing the provision of high-quality inputs to global CPR policy formulation, as well as practice development and mainstreaming of CPR issues in the region, focusing on achievement of the following results

- Review of lessons learned from previous sub-regional disaster reduction and recovery programmes in the Africa region and preparation of the ground for developing appropriate sub-regional initiatives focusing on relevant thematic areas, such as Climate Risk Management, Urban Risk management etc.
- Development and operationalization of regional and/or sub-regional disaster reduction and recovery knowledge networks on themes and issues that have been identified in Regional CPR Networking initiatives for the Africa region; ensuring that these knowledge networks in the region are fully integrated into the BCPR global electronic knowledge network.
- Organization of periodic knowledge networking meetings of UNDP national focal points, project managers and national and regional partners to exchange experiences and lessons on disaster risk reduction and recovery
- Documentation, systematization and dissemination of the lessons learned from UNDP’s disaster reduction and recovery activities in the region
- In co-ordination with the Regional Centre in Dakar, provision of relevant substantive inputs to knowledge management, including responding to Country Office requests for information on best practice and offering referrals to experts and expert institutions
- Technical supervision of National Disaster Reduction Advisors (NDRAs) supported by BCPR in the region.

• Impact of Results

The key results have an impact on two levels: a) coherent BCPR service delivery in crisis prevention and recovery; b) strengthened UNDP practice in the area of CPR across the region.


Builiding strategic partnerships 
Building strategic alliances

- Makes effective use of UNDP’s resources and comparative advantage to strengthen partnerships
- Creates networks and promotes initiatives with partner organizations

Resource mobilization Developing resource mobilization strategies at country level

- Actively develops partnerships with potential donors and government counterparts in all sectors at country level
- Shares information with country offices concerning opportunities to tap potential donors

Promoting organizational learning and knowledge sharing
Participating in the development of policies and innovative approaches and promoting their application throughout the organization

- Actively seeks and promotes innovative methodologies and leads the development of supporting policies/tools to encourage learning and knowledge sharing
- Develops and/or participates in the development of policies and new approaches and participates in training of staff in their application throughout the organization

Job knowledge/technical expertise 

Expert knowledge of own discipline

- Possesses expert knowledge of advanced concepts in crisis prevention and recovery, a broad knowledge of related disciplines, as well as an in-depth knowledge of relevant organizational policies and procedures
- Keeps abreast of new developments in area of crisis prevention and recovery and seeks to develop him/herself personally
- Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments
- Demonstrates expert knowledge of the current programme guidelines and project management tools and manages the use of these regularly in work assignments

Client orientation 

Meeting long-term client needs

- Proactively identifies, develops and discusses solutions for internal and external clients, and persuades management to undertake new projects or services
- Advises and develops strategic and operational solutions with clients that add value to UNDP programmes and operations

Core competencies

• Promoting Ethics and Integrity / Creating Organizational Precedents
• Demonstrates and promotes the highest standard of integrity, impartiality, fairness and incorruptibility in all matters affecting his/her work and status
• Building support and political acumen
• Uses understanding of the organizational culture and key players to gain support for initiatives and to determine optimum timing to launch initiatives and address issues

Developing & empowering people/coaching and mentoring
Building staff competence, Creating an environment of creativity and innovation 

- Takes appropriate risk in developing new or adapting existing methods and approaches to more effectively perform tasks or to solve problems in new and unique ways 

Working in teams
Building and promoting effective teams 

- Encourages and creates mechanisms to share expertise and team approaches between HQ Units, Country Offices and regional centers, as well as with other partners and stakeholders

Communicating information and ideas
Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication 

- Creates an environment for open communication and encourages others to be diplomatic and use tact and sensitivity in dealing with colleagues and partners

Self management & emotional intelligence
Creating an emotionally intelligent organization 

- Demonstrates a genuine passion for the work, and leverages political forces and tacit knowledge to support the achievement of organizational goals and priorities

Negotiating & resolving disagreements
Leveraging conflict in the interests of UNDP & setting standards 

- Acts as a role model for positive handling of potentially situations of conflict to others inside and outside the organization

Knowledge sharing & continuous learning
Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning 

-Creates, supports, and promotes an enabling environment for organizational knowledge sharing and learning including the use of technology

Appropriate and transparent decision-making
Fair and transparent decision making; calculated risk-taking 

- Ensures that criteria and reasons for important decisions are communicated and explained to all those affected, especially in the case of tough or sensitive decisions

Required skills and experience 


A minimum of a Master’s degree or equivalent development studies, political science, public administration, international relations, other social sciences or in development-related fields.


• At least 10 years of progressively responsible professional development experience in the related areas;
• Field experience in a country in special development circumstances, including post-disaster settings preferable; understanding of UN/UNDP programming modalities
• DEX experience is an asset

Language requirements

Fluency in English and French, both oral and written, is required;
working knowledge of other UN official language is an asset.

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Country and region Senegal
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