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Risk Assessment Specialist

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The overall goal of the Geospatial Information Department of ADPC is to increase uses of geospatial technology, data, and information by countries in Asia for supporting decision making related to disaster risk management and climate resilience. The department supports all thematic areas of focus of ADPC to achieve their goals, mainly through:

  • Increased accessibility and technical capacity to develop, maintain, and use geospatial information including disaster and climate risk maps, forecasted and real-time disaster data for early warning, and damage data for post-disaster assessment and recovery planning;

  • Increased awareness by decision makers on applications of geospatial information in disaster risk management and climate resilience decision making; and

  • Geospatial solutions, such as tools, models, and data, customized to the demands of stakeholders

Addressing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction Priority 1: Understanding Risk, ADPC has been at the forefront in the Asia and Pacific region in supporting countries conduct disaster risk assessment and use the risk information for guiding risk reduction activities. Some flagship programs include the multi-hazard risk assessment and mapping for Bangladesh, national and provincial risk profiles of Lao PDR, national risk assessment and mapping for Cambodia, detailed seismic hazard and risk assessment for cities in Bangladesh, and provincial risk assessment in Thailand. ADPC continues to promote understanding of the disaster risk while bringing innovation such as satellite technology, crowd mapping technology, and data management to further enhance risk assessment experience and utilization in Asia and the Pacific.

The Geospatial Information Department of ADPC is seeking qualified candidates to fill its Risk Assessment Specialist position. We are expecting candidates who have work experience in conducting disaster risk assessment, in addition to educational backgrounds in hydrology, geology, structural/civil engineering, geography, meteorology, water resource management, or urban planning. More importantly, candidates who can demonstrate professional experience in applying those scientific areas in conducting risk assessments, including gender and right-based approach risk assessment at any geographic levels will be considered favorably.

Statement of Intent

The Risk Assessment Specialist will provide technical leadership as well as subject-matter-expert inputs to risk assessment projects assigned to the Geospatial Information Department. In addition, she/he will be assisting the Director of Geospatial Information in achieving the department’s objectives within and outside ADPC.

This position is located in Bangkok, Thailand, and reports to the Program Manager – Risk Assessment.

Duties and Responsibilities


The Risk Assessment Specialist will contribute technically in risk assessment projects particularly in one or many of the following areas:

  • Analyze relevant science-based information to create hazard zonation maps, including but not limited to earthquake, flood, landslide, windstorm, drought, and coastal/river erosion hazards.
  • Conduct vulnerability assessment of elements-at-risk to hazards, including buildings, infrastructure, lifelines, at-risk population considering their social status.
  • Analyze potential impacts from the estimated hazard and vulnerability for different development sectors, considering the various multi-hazard approaches.
  • Work on innovative approaches on risk assessment, including integration of gender and right-based approaches and climate change scenarios into risk assessment data and processes.
  • Using the science-based risk information, make a recommendation for risk-informed decisions and management practices to disaster management authorities, development agencies, as well as communities and the private sector.
  • Conduct technical training on hazard, vulnerability, and risk assessment, per the details provided in the point above.
  • Develop user-oriented technical reports and methodological guidelines for a technical and nontechnical audience.
  • Package scientific and technical information in visualizing and communicating risk to a technical and non-technical audience.
  • Design and conduct research to further advance hazard, vulnerability, and risk assessment approaches of ADPC.
  • Provide inputs for developing new project proposals.
  • Provide technical inputs for the other projects/programs of ADPC.

Project Management

  • Manage disaster risk assessment and other relevant projects using strategic approaches to achieve project goals and ensure the sustainability of project efforts.
  • Coordinate and communicate to effect smooth project implementation with other project managers and team members.
  • Utilize project resources efficiently and manage project finance.
  • Develop detailed work and financial plans.
  • Conduct project monitoring and evaluation.
  • Lead the development of knowledge products from the projects.
  • Communicate project results to target audiences and maintain a network of relevant external partners that could play a part in future project development.
  • Guide partner institutions in implementing projects.

Corporate Responsibilities

  • Provide technical resource inputs to all other departments including ADPC training programs.
  • Participate in corporate functions and external events, as required.
  • Collaborate with Government officials, NGO, IGO, donors and other stakeholders at the International, National, Sub-national, and Community levels.
  • Initiate various documents to support the implementation of activities of the department such as contract agreements, statement of work for consultants, MOU, and agreements, in accordance with the approved procedures and policies of ADPC.

About Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

ADPC is an autonomous international organization with a vision to reduce disaster and climate risk impacts on communities and countries in Asia and the Pacific by working with governments, development partners, international organizations, NGOs, civil society, private sector, media, and other key stakeholders. 

Established in 1986 as a technical capacity building center, ADPC has grown and diversified its expertise across social and physical sciences to support sustainable solutions for risk reduction across a broad range of specialist areas. With over 100 staff from 19 different nationalities and a wide range of professional expertise from atmospheric scientists to social scientists with experiences from all levels of engagement typically required for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Resilience (CR) in an effective manner. ADPC is a competent regional resource center and has seven thematic departments: ADPC Academy, Risk Governance, Climate Resilience, Urban Resilience, Health Risk Management, Preparedness for Response and Recovery, Geospatial Information. These are supported by Finance, Human Resources and Administration, and Strategic Planning departments. In addition to the departments, ADPC works on three cross-cutting themes: Gender and Diversity, Poverty and Livelihoods, and Regional and Transboundary Cooperation through permanent working committees. 

ADPC Strategy 2020 guides the organization in providing comprehensive risk reduction support to countries and communities in Asia and the Pacific. ADPC recognizes the importance of examining the linkages between disaster risk management, poverty reduction, gender equality, sustainability, rights-based approaches, climate change and regional cooperation.

For details please refer to ADPC website at

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Country and region Thailand
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