Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2013
From Shared Risk to Shared Value: the Business Case for Disaster Risk Reduction

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(Source: UNISDR, based on GAR global risk model)
(Source: UNISDR, based on GAR global risk model)
Figure 7.2 Top 10 countries with highest AAL (left) and PML (right) from cyclonic winds
Figure 7.1 Top 10 countries in terms of AAL (left) and probable maximum loss (PML) (right) from earthquakes as a percentage of urban produced capital
American Samoa and Tonga in the Pacific demonstrated the kind of impacts that can be expected. Figure 7.3 shows the exposure of population and urban produced capital to a destructive one-in-500 year tsunami. Both Solomon Islands and Maldives have more than 25 percent of their urban produced capital exposed to tsunamis. And Maldives has nearly 10 percent of its population exposed.
SIDS also experience four types of flooding: flash floods, iv river floods, coastal floods and ponding floods. The island of Samoa, for example, has historically suffered coastal flooding. In 2008, it was estimated that the associated AAL could be up to US$25 million (Economics of Climate Adaptation Working Group, 2009). Ponding flooding is a serious hazard in some Caribbean SIDS. In these countries,
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