Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2013
From Shared Risk to Shared Value: the Business Case for Disaster Risk Reduction

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Box 14.1 Regional, national and local self-assessments of progress against the Hyogo Framework for Action

Since 2007, national governments have been assessing their progress against the five priorities of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) in a systematic manner, through the HFA Review process and HFA Monitor. In 2009, a regional self-assessment process was established for interested inter-governmental organisations and in 2011, local governments began to use a similar process and tool to review progress at the provincial, district and municipal levels.

The HFA Review process is entirely voluntary. The self-assessment process is led and owned by intergovernmental organizations, and governments and local government institutions at regional, national and local levels, respectively. It is designed to promote a multi-stakeholder appraisal progress in implementing the HFA. It is intended to stimulate an inter-disciplinary planning process that ensures that disaster risk is appropriately considered in public and private investment portfolios, not least to reduce mortality, minimise fiscal exposure and losses, and contribute to sustainable development.

The corresponding HFA Monitor is a multi-tier online tool, facilitated by UNISDR and led by country governments. ii The tool provides a mechanism to capture responses against progress indicators of the HFA, ensuring some degree of comparability of data over time series and between countries. Achievements in each core indicator are rated by governments themselves on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 representing ‘minor’ achievement and 5 indicating ‘comprehensive’ achievement. Figure 14.1 gives an overview of progress reported against each priority area from 2007–2013.

(Source: UNISDR, based on HFA Monitor data)
Figure 14.1 Progress against the five HFA priority areas, 2007–2013 (comprising three reporting cycles)
More than 100 countries and territories used the HFA Monitor in 2007–2009 and 109 submitted final reports in the 2009–2011 review. It should be underlined that strict comparisons across time periods are difficult, as not all countries participate in every reporting cycle. Only 45 percent of countries participating in the 2011–2013 reporting cycle have participated in all three progress reviews to date. At the time of writing, 94 national authorities have submitted reports covering June 2011 to January 2013, with a further 37 undergoing further assessments due to be published in mid-2013 iii . Encouragingly, since the last reporting cycle the geographical balance of engaged countries has improved.
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