Community-based DRR

This approach engages the local community, including the most vulnerable, in managing local disaster risk with community specific risk reduction measures while recognizing existing capacities and coping mechanisms.

Latest Community-based DRR additions in the Knowledge Base

Documents and publications
This guide outlines the construction and maintenance of defensive structures and discusses how current disaster prevention and emergency response planning can be improved by using research on past tsunamis.
Educational materials
Documents and publications

This manual sets out the Household Economy Approach (HEA) - Save the Children’s widely-used methodology for analysing the impact of crop failure on household income and access to food. The HEA has been widely adopted by governments in Africa and by

Leslie John Walling, Coordinator of the Fund, described this new regional facility as 'responsive, results-based and community centred'...
Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency
Canadian International Development Agency
Educational materials

A 14 minute DVD film showing what children have learned about earthquake dangers and how they respond to drills in Himachal Pradesh, India. In local language, but with English subtitles.

Documents and publications

All of society - the public and the private sector – ends up facing the consequences of disasters. It follows that all of society, the private sector included, has a role to play in reducing disaster risk. Natural hazards need not result automatically in

The 'Orissa flood resilient shelter program - 2008' is a strategy designed by the non-governmental organization, SEEDS, and its partner Christian-Aid, for the purpose of rehabilitating and helping communities build resilience against floods....
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
'Before Nargis, we had nothing prepared for disaster risk reduction. We need to do a lot more.' said Dr Tun Lwin, the director general of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology....
Myanmar Times, the - Myanmar Consolidated Media Co. Ltd
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