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Watermelon cultivation in salinity-affected coastal Bangladesh exacerbates drought-like situations.
Bangladesh First (BFirst)
Storing bananas for up to one year might seem unthinkable, but thanks to a traditional Vanuatu method of preparing and storing, it’s been a life saver during times of natural disasters.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
A helicopter drops water on a raging bushfire
Research briefs
The number of days per year that are simultaneously extremely hot, dry, and have a high fire risk have as much as tripled since 1970 in some parts of South America.
PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd
Cover and source: Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery
Documents and publications
This roadmap describes the current situation of hydromet service provision in Bhutan and presents a short- and medium-term modernization approach.
Three years of drought, a pariah regime and the loss of skilled workers have crippled Afghanistan’s water infrastructure, increasing water prices and spreading disease
Dialogue Earth
A women farmer in Zimbabwe walking along her field checking the crops
Recognizing the dire need in Mwenezi, the Zimbabwe Red Cross Society, with support from the IFRC, has initiated several life-saving projects aimed at mitigating the impact of the drought.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Cabo Verde's drought-stricken landscape severely impacting local agriculture and livelihoods.
Cabo Verde, a Small Island Developing State, hits back against climate change with skills passed on through South-South Cooperation.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters
An image of a yellow buoy resting on the dried Rhine riverbed
Rivers, lakes, and reservoirs long strained by overuse now face climate change. Some cities are turning to water restrictions to get back on track.
Yale Climate Connections

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