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Documents and publications
This brief draws attention to the key benefits of addressing air pollution and the benefit to human health, climate and crop production: Precipitation and temperature benefits; Human health in Africa; Land degradation; and Crop yields.
The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has called for advanced early warning systems in order to enhance the resilience of communities against weather disasters.
South African Broadcasting Corporation
Woman in Congo
Nature-based solutions like urban farming, terraces, and green corridors can help cities with climate challenges including urban heat, flooding, and air pollution. But how can governments and communities determine which nature-based solutions?
World Bank, the
Over the past year, the General Confederation of Companies of Côte d'Ivoire and its Private Sector Humanitarian Platform have been working with government on understanding risk and establishing protocols to develop better disaster preparedness.
Connecting Business initiative
Nearly a year after an earthquake killed around 3,000 people and destroyed entire villages in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains, many who survived are still living in tents or temporary shelters, frustrated at the slow pace of reconstruction.
The New Humanitarian
Documents and publications
This case study shows how UNICEF, the Government of Madagascar and civil society are working together to pilot a ground-breaking, innovative finance solution that includes a child-responsive, parametric risk transfer product for tropical cyclones.
Woman in Mozambique holding megaphone
The Mozambique government Wednesday rolled out its road map for achieving the UN-inspired Early Warnings for All (EW4All) target by the end of 2027.
Red Cross / Red Crescent Climate Centre
Documents and publications
This report examines the application of a human rights-based approach (HRBA) to climate change programming (CCP) in Africa, paying attention to the criteria of adaptation, resilience, loss and damage, and human mobility as a facilitator of climate action.

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