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Documents and publications
The report examines the use of foresight techniques in the context of long-term disaster risk management.
Documents and publications
The Queensland (Australia) 2023-24 State Recovery and Resilience Plan (the Plan) covers 13 disaster events and captures the diversity, breadth and extent of disasters for the entire season.
Trees are a powerful solution to the climate crisis. They reduce the risk of landslides and floods, improve air quality, and even protect mental health.
Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center
Bookshelves in a library.
Research briefs
University of Queensland library - full of hailstones instead of books - is helping researchers better understand and predict damaging storms.
University of Queensland
Water flowing from a blue pump pipe
Research briefs
The growth of cities worldwide is contributing to more intense drought conditions in many cities, including Sydney, a new Chinese study has found.
Conversation Media Group, the
A newly funded program led by UNSW Sydney’s Professor Donna Green will soon enable NSW primary school teachers to equip their students with the knowledge and practical skills to face natural disasters.
University of New South Wales
Research briefs
New research from ANU has shown that climate change is negatively affecting the emotional wellbeing of young Australians. These feelings are exacerbated by what young people see as shortcomings in their climate education.
Australian National University
Documents and publications
This study aimed to evaluate university students’ perceptions of flood risk and their understanding of common flood probabilities in the Greater Sydney region of Australia.

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