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Policies and plans

This agreement establishes a Co-operation Group between the governments of Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, the Republic of San Marino, Spain, and Turkey for the prevention of, protection against, and organisation of relief in major natural

The environment ministry has presented 41 new measures in 13 sectors to deal with the effects of climate change in Luxembourg. Tourism, energy, health and regional planning are some of the sectors concerned by the measures, and the environment ministry also proposed to establish a flash floods project and a catalogue of measures for sustainable forest management.
Luxembourg Times
Policies and plans

This document details possible climate change adaptation measures and strategies, especially given that they will need to be embedded in the future development of Luxembourg's agglomerations. 

This document addresses all stakeholders in Luxembourg

Documents and publications

This book provides an overview of OECD countries' efforts to collect information on both the economic impacts of disasters and the level of public resources invested in the management of risk. It is based on the results of an OECD survey, two expert

Documents and publications

To guide Europe’s implementation of the four priorities of action and seven global targets of the Sendai Framework, the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR) agreed to develop a roadmap that will focus on activities for the immediate period

Engineers from the University of Luxembourg are working to better analyse the mechanical properties of snow. The project aims to develop a computer model that can help solving typical snow-related engineering problems. The model could be used to anticipate avalanches or to determine the load on buildings caused by snow by predicting the behaviour of snow.
PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd
The goal of the CREWS initiative is to help developing countries bolster their early warning and forecast services to head off the risks posed by hazards such as flooding
Press release
African Least Developed Countries and Pacific Islands will be the first to benefit from upgraded early warning systems against weather and climate-related shocks under an action plan outlined at the United Nations climate change conference.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Meteoalarm uses simple colour coding and jargon-free explanations to help the public understanding real-time weather risks (Photo: Meteoalarm)
Rolled out in the wake of one of the deadliest storms to strike Europe in decades, the continent-wide weather information service Meteoalarm plays a life-saving role by raising public awareness of how to curb risks, and fosters international cooperation into the bargain.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Europe & Central Asia

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