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A family fetches water from a stream during a drought in Madagascar
MapAction has been working in Madagascar since 2012, providing maps and information management services for emergency respondents. These efforts were a combination of in-person responses with UN agencies and partners, as well as remote support.
Documents and publications
This study develops a dynamic model of climate-related disaster impacts, considering multidimensional household heterogeneity, for analyzing changes in growth and inequality in low-income countries.
The agreed GRMA programme will provide the Government of Madagascar with relevant climate risk models and tools, informing its Request for Support to the Global Shield against Climate Risks.
InsuResilience Solutions Fund
Documents and publications
This strategy will target children and youth, local communities, and media across Indian Ocean islands with the ultimate aim of ensuring that the concept of disaster risk is taken into consideration at every level of society.
Toliara, Madagascar, Antoine Tardy/UNDRR
Research briefs
A University of California, Irvine-led team reveals a clear link between human-driven climate change and the years-long drought currently gripping southern Madagascar.
University of California, Irvine
A family fetches water from a stream during a drought in Madagascar
Madagascar is the fourth most vulnerable country in the world to climate change. It is recurrently hit by droughts and cyclones that are increasing in frequency, duration and intensity due to climate change.
United Nations - Headquarters
Documents and publications
This Climate Risk Profile provides an overview of climate risks to food security and resilience in Madagascar, including an overview of current and projected climate impacts to agriculture, livestock, fisheries, water resources.
Man standing in front of a grocery store in Port Louis, Mauritius
This project will assess the human resources, equipment, and protocols of the EW-EAS systems in Indian Ocean countries and make recommendations.
United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)

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