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'This new name reflects the recognition of the connection between preparing and responding to the consequences of hazard impacts and the proactive management of the underlying source of the vulnerabilities,' said Jeremy Collymore, Coordinator of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency...
Barbados Advocate, the
The Caribbean Net News reports that islands have been requested by an Organisation of East Caribbean States (OECS) official to start preparing for the 2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season, which forecasters have predicted will be above average...
Caribbean Net News
Photo by Flickr user, Kohtzy, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic,
The partnership is hoped to facilitate capacity building and to develop strategies for mitigating the physical and socio-economic impacts of natural hazards, such as hurricanes and earthquakes, in the various countries of the region...
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
'This additional funding demonstrates the commitment by the Australian Government to deepen their support for disaster reduction in the region' said Jeremy Collymore, executive director of Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency...
Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency
Migration as an adaptive measure: Mohamed Nasheed, president of the Maldives, has spoken openly about moving all 370,000 residents to another country if, as looks likely, rising waters cover the islands, most of which are less than 1.5m above sea level...
The New Humanitarian
CARICOM Secretariat in tandem with the UNEP have launched the Caribbean Component of a four-year project designed to build capacity for CARIFORUM countries in complying with the implementation of Multi-lateral Environmental Agreements...
Caribbean Community Secretariat
Ensuring the safety of residents and tourists is vital to one of the region's top economic earners - tourism, the Government of Barbados is committed to assisting in the establishment and implementation of a sustainable tourism development programme...
Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency
'The strategy is very robust and I think the organization of the DDM is strong enough to back up the strategy and programming,' said Evan Green from Groupe-conseil basstel Itee...
Virgin Islands Platinum News and BVI Daily News, Platinum Investors Limited

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