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Documents and publications

This paper is part of a series highlighting the World Bank's achievements in disaster risk management initiatives. It presents the World Bank’s disaster-related engagement in the Eastern Caribbean in the context of a a $150,000 grant from the Global

A stated objective in the Development of the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is to ensure the use of traditional and local knowledge to complement, as relevant and appropriate, scientific knowledge in disaster risk assessment and the development and implementation of policies, plans and programmes...
Association of Caribbean States
Despite the uncertainties which surround the large international consultative processes, and the political difficulties in achieving some of the targets, the Caribbean region is well poised on the eve of 2015 to make significant strides towards reducing its vulnerability to natural hazards and enhancing its sustainable development goals...
Association of Caribbean States
'Many of us are forced to resort to debt financing to deal with our adaptation requirements and the cost of recovering from the damage and destruction left by extreme events,' said Saint Lucia’s sustainable development minister speaking on behalf of CARICOM...
El Documento País es una iniciativa que busca describir avances y brindar una visión integral de la situación de la RRD, sirviendo como referencia para impulsar políticas públicas y orientar la programación y financiamiento de acciones por parte de las instancias que conforman y colaboran en esta temática...
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean
European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)
CCRIF will provide a maximum of four scholarships for citizens of CARICOM member countries and/or CCRIF member countries who would like to pursue a Masters or an MBA programme in one of the areas identified below which is available at universities in the UK, US or Canada or at eligible regional universities...
Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility, the
photo by St Vincent Volunteers, Ten feet of Sea Turtle Nesting Beach Eroded in Just One Storm, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0,
FAO grants Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines livelihood rehabilitation and resilience building assistance, including an evaluation of disaster risk management (DRM) systems and proposal to build resilience in vulnerable populations by strengthening the capacities of institutions and civil society organizations...
Trinidad and Tobago Guardian
Documents and publications

This edition focuses on the residents of Saint Lucia, an island vulnerable to many hazards, including hurricanes, rainstorms, landslides, erosion, floods, and earthquakes. This edition summarizes the aid provided by USAID and the Laborie Disaster

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