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The Gambia, under the auspices of the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), celebrates International Day for disaster reduction with the theme of the world disaster reduction campaign, Making Cities Resilient 'My city is getting ready!'...
JollofNews Online
Hundreds of people have gathered at a United Nations-backed meeting in Addis Ababa to identify actions that will promote sustainable development in Africa in the face of climate change...
United Nations News Centre
Somalia, Haiti and Afghanistan are the countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change according to the Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI), released today by global risks consultancy, Maplecroft...
Verisk Maplecroft
The vice president of Gambia, Her Excellency Aja Dr. Isatou Njie Saidy, advocates for political commitment in successful disaster risk reduction interventions and the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action at national level...
Today Newspaper
photo by Flickr user Jose A. Herran, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic
'I'm sure you would agree...the objective of the launch of these reports is to quickly and timely disseminate relevant and state-of-the-art environmental data for mainstreaming environment sustainability including Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation into national plans,' said the Gambia UNDP resident representative...
Daily Observer, the - Daily Observer Ltd., the
A recent workshop held by the department of Humanitarian and Social Affairs of ECOWAS aimed at building the capacity of West African countries to disasters by the integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into development agendas and sectoral programmes in the sub-region...
Today Newspaper
Launched by the Phoenix Project, a non-profit organization, the Gambian Women's Environmental Network and the Gambian Youth Environmental Network aim to deal with issues on mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Gambia...
Pan African News Agency
Aba Gibba, Director of Planning at Kerewan Area Council, assured that the council would support the Regional Disaster Management Committee to enhance the coordination and implementation of disaster management activities in the region...
Today Newspaper

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