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'The strategy is very robust and I think the organization of the DDM is strong enough to back up the strategy and programming,' said Evan Green from Groupe-conseil basstel Itee...
Virgin Islands Platinum News and BVI Daily News, Platinum Investors Limited
Leslie John Walling, Coordinator of the Fund, described this new regional facility as 'responsive, results-based and community centred'...
Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency
Canadian International Development Agency
'Vulnerability has been compounded by the frequency and severity of hazards,' stated Jeremy Collymore of CDERA...
Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency
Guanaja Island: photo coutesty of NASA/JSC
ISDR system partner Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (CDERA) to participate in a panel on challenges for the Caribbean’s coastal tourism environment at the 10th annual Caribbean conference on sustainable tourism development...
Antigua Sun, Sun Printing & Publishing Ltd.
Hurricane Keith 2000 Belize Assessment of the Damage.png
Documents and publications
This report assesses the impacts of Hurricane Keith in Belize from 30 September to 1 October 2000. It appraises the macroeconomic and environmental effects and presents a sector by sector analysis leading to an overall assessment of the damage.

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