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Photo copyright by Flickr user, USAID water
Key emerging economies and wealthy oil producing nations export water issues to ensure food security through African ‘land grab’ reports Maplecroft, a leading source of global risks analysis who research, index and map over 500 risks and issues to identify exposures and opportunities in both countries and companies...
Verisk Maplecroft
Documents and publications

This inventory is an attempt to pull together the threads and to identify what does and what does not work in relation to legal, institutional and planning frameworks for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Africa. It aims to further support the

Documents and publications

This calendar has been developed to help better prepare for food-related emergencies. It works by combining the most authoritative data on seasonal hazards like floods, droughts, pests and cyclones with information about crop cycles and weather patterns.

Documents and publications

World Bank Group implementation progress report of the water resources sector strategy:

This report reaffirms the strategic directions for the World Bank Group’s approach to supporting water resources management. It calls for renewed emphasis on: the

Documents and publications

IFPRI Discussion Paper 01013:

ASARECA has recently carried out a study to enhance the understanding of climate change in the 10 ASARECA member countries. This report profiles the available climate change-related datasets and their accessibility and

Documents and publications

This document reports on ProAct achievements in 2009, particularly in using environmental management to help people improve resilience to disasters, climate change and humanitarian crises. It addresses: (i) livelihood security as part of community

Photo of the hills above Goma, by Flickr user Julien Harneis, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic,
'Goma faces the highest risk any city in the world could face' said Dario Tedesco, coordinator, project for the prevention and analysis of volcanic hazards in the DRC, 'the idea is to have an early warning alert'...
The New Humanitarian
Policies and plans
The Democratic Republic of Congo's Disaster Relief Organization Plan (ORSEC) defines the roles and responsibilities of the government during a disaster, and outlines the concrete actions the government plans to take during a disaster.

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