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Photo by Shreyans Bhansali (; Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
ADB’s Ursula Schaefer-Preuss said member-countries must be committed to 'reduce the risks and adequately prepare for the natural disasters that we all know are coming'....
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Press release
The International Strategy for Disaster Reduction secretariat is opening a new office, the “ISDR Hyogo Office” in Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, to work more closely with Japanese institutions that have extensive experience and expertise in disaster risk reduction
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Documents and publications
This map illustrates Japan's exposure to seismic, volcanic and typhoon hazard.
Documents and publications

This leaflet presents the Natural Disaster Youth Summit (NDYS), a project in which children learn the importance of human lives and how to cop with the effect of natural disasters such as earthquakes, wildfires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis and so on

Educational materials

The film deals with the behaviour of wooden buildings during earthquakes, the aseismic design of wooden buildings and various reinforcement methods. Real examples of Japanese traditional and modern wooden buildings before and after earthquakes are shown

Documents and publications

This publication aims to build awareness for indigenous knowledge as an effective tool for reducing risk from natural hazard-related disasters. By improving the understanding of indigenous knowledge and providing concrete examples of how it can be

Photo by jean erich mitchell  / Jerich Abon, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic
Drills took place all across the nation today to mark 'National Disaster Prevention Day' which envisioned earthquakes in the Tonankai and Nankai regions...
Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd., the - Mainichi Daily news, the
Documents and publications

For the first time, twenty-three United Nations agencies and convention secretariats have combined their efforts and expertise to produce a collective World Water Development Report, offering a global overview of the state of the world’s freshwater

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