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Documents and publications

The objectives of the DITTY project are to develop scientific bases for sustainable development of Southern European lagoons taking into account all the activities that affect the aquatic environment. Five sites have been identified ranging from the Ria

Documents and publications

Series: Geotechnical, Geological, and Earthquake Engineering , Vol. 1
This book presents a comprehensive coverage of the two interrelated and interdisciplinary fields of seismic microzonation and earthquake geotechnical engineering. The introduction and

Documents and publications

This report talks about interactions between natural disasters and simultaneous technological accidents. It aims to provide an overview of the natech problem, and to present the state of the art in natech risk management. The report identifies the main

Documents and publications

In recent years, dramatic river flooding has occurred in several regions of Europe causing numerous casualties and the damage reached unprecedented proportions. The protection of human and capital assets from natural hazards is high in the agenda of the

Documents and publications

Extreme weather events are those events which society is unable to cope with. They are by definition rare stochastic events. Europe has experienced on unprecedented rate of extreme weather events in the last 30 years. Heat waves occurred in France, Italy

Documents and publications

Portugal has made an effort in order to create legislation addressing disaster risk. For example, municipalities are obliged to identify flood risk areas and to use information in their Municipal Land use Plans; there are laws concerning prevention

'What happens when a school really lets its pupils down: when the walls collapse sideways and the heavy tiled roof pancakes down in a couple of seconds? ...'
Guardian, the (UK)

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