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Documents and publications

This document reports on the disaster risk management activities of the Caribbean Island of Saint Lucia. It contributes to the country's disaster management systems review, which aims at developing a five year strategy and a multi-year work programme part

Documents and publications

This document reports on the disaster risk management activities of the Caribbean Island of Saint Lucia. It contributes to the country's disaster management systems review, which aims at developing a five year strategy and a multi-year work programme part

Documents and publications

This report reviews the progress made in addressing the vulnerabilities of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) through the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy, which includes natural and environmental disasters as one of its themes and means of

Documents and publications

This informational brochure highlights the preliminary results of the Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA) Study, which provides an overview of the preliminary results of a study on the potential economic impact of climate change in eight Caribbean

'You have been pioneers in calling attention to the specific vulnerability of Small Island States to climate change. Adaptation strategies to this very real threat will require sizeable and sustained investment' said the United Nations Secretary-General...
United Nations News Centre
The strategy includes developing climate resilience through improved understanding of the vulnerability of critical infrastructure, a reduction in the number of people at high risk of landslides in St. Lucia, improved management of protected areas, and the establishment of financing mechanisms for critical ecosystems...
World Bank, the
The Jamaica Observer reports that Dr Barbara Carby will focus on risk management, with an emphasis on risk reduction, which she regards as a critical component of any effort to achieve sustainable development for the region...
Jamaica Observer, the
'This new name reflects the recognition of the connection between preparing and responding to the consequences of hazard impacts and the proactive management of the underlying source of the vulnerabilities,' said Jeremy Collymore, Coordinator of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency...
Barbados Advocate, the

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