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Under the ‘Making Cities Sustainable and Resilient’ initiative in Cape Verde, a wide cross-section of organizations came together to rank Praia’s levels of disaster resilience. The city is also now developing its first DRR plan.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Drought is threatening the livelihoods of farmers in Cabo Verde. UNDP has developed local drought and flood vulnerability maps, installed solar panels for water pumping, and set up additional water tanks, allowing farmers to send their kids to school despite the current conditions.
Policies and plans

A Estratégia Nacional de Redução de Riscos de Desastres (ENRRD) responde e efetiva uma série de instrumentos e políticas nacionais relevantes para a implementação dos vários elementos e dimensões da redução de riscos de desastres. Esta estratégia é

City leaders and disaster risk planners in Africa share experience on inclusive resilience at a progress workshop under the Making Cities Resilient Campaign in Nairobi.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Africa
Cover and source: Cabo Verde
Policies and plans
Cabo Verde tem trabalhado na preparação dos Governos Locais e Nacional para melhor gestão dos processos de recuperação de uma forma eficaz, sustentável e inclusiva.
Documents and publications

This paper analyses flows of climate finance to Cape Verde, the Comoros, Guinea-Bissau, the Maldives, Mauritius, São Tomé and Príncipe, and the Seychelles. This report highlights important trends in the allocation of climate finance across the region

An aerial view of Praia, Cabo Verde (Photo: UNISDR)
The island nation of Cabo Verde and landlocked Swaziland have joined 26 other countries in Africa that are implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, a 15-year global agreement which seeks to save lives, reduce disaster losses and improve management of disaster risk by enhancing risk knowledge.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Africa
Rescuers work at the scene of the rubbish dump landslide in Addis Ababa (Photo: AP/Mulugeta Ayene)
Rising disasters in Africa’s cities and their links with poverty and rapid, unplanned urbanisation are ever more apparent from tragedies such as the recent rubbish dump landslide in Addis Ababa, which killed at least 113 people.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Africa

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