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Documents and publications
This climate change profile provides a brief analysis of climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity in the countries in the West African Sahel: Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Nigeria.
This review of over 50 years of research shows how conflicts are deeply embedded in societies and can exacerbate vulnerability to natural hazards.
Overseas Development Institute
Documents and publications

Conventional disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts tend to focus on mitigating risk related to short-term, extreme events associated with high-visibility catastrophes such as earthquakes, floods and landslides. However, some of the most neglected and

Documents and publications

There is substantial experience and an extensive literature on humanitarian responses to disasters in conditions of conflict. But little attention has been paid to adapting disaster risk reduction (DRR) policies, programmes and strategies to such contexts

Documents and publications

This review provides a snapshot of current adaptation and mitigation projects being implemented by multilateral and bilateral donors in the G5 countries of the Sahel. Although not a systematic review, the research for this review has methodically examined

Documents and publications

In 2014, World Food Programme, UNICEF and DFID undertook a joint study with the Boston Consulting Group to calculate the financial ‘returns’ and speed benefits derived from specific preparedness interventions, including emergency supply prepositioning

Documents and publications

The people of Lake Chad are caught in a conflict trap. Violent conflict between state security forces and armed opposition groups, poor governance, endemic corruption, serious environmental mismanagement and poverty have ruined the lives of local people

Documents and publications

This is the third edition of the Suffering in Silence report. The aim of this report is to highlight those humanitarian crises in 2018 that, though large, have received little public attention. In the final section, it also addresses the question of how

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