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In this interview, Dr. Sherif, Nouakchott's Focal Point, reveals that the Making Cities Resilient initiative has helped his city improve engagement with various actors involved in the resilience process, and has improved coordination between them.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Le programme d’investissement pour la Résilience des côtes de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (WACA ResIP) est lancé pour promouvoire la création d'un espace dynamique permettant aux pays côtiers en Afrique et à leurs partenaires de partager des connaissances et d’obtenir des financements. Elle permettra également d’améliorer la gestion des risques.
Agence Afrique Presse
Le Sénégal a bénéficié d’un financement de 16,5 millions de dollars de la "Société d’assurance de la Mutuelle panafricaine de gestion des risques" pour gérer un déficit pluviométrique en 2015. Grâce à ce financement, 927 416 personnes et 600 000 bovins ont bénéficié d’approvisionnement de denrées alimentaires et des ventes subventionnées d’aliment.
Agence Afrique Presse
Documents and publications

This report presents a synthesis of project-level final evaluations, carried out after three years of implementation of the BRACED programme. Using evidence provided by implementing partners, this report examines the following central synthesis evaluation

Documents and publications

The purpose of this publication is to detail lessons learned from UNDP’s Climate Change Adaptation work and achievements in the Arab region on achieving sustainable and lasting results. Some lessons include building local capacity at all levels to ensure

Fishing boats lined up at Port de Peche on the coast of Nouakchott, Mauritania
Five cities from Mauritania have completed disaster risk resilience assessments and have started drafting people-centred city action plans in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction – the global plan for reducing losses from disasters.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Arab States
Policies and plans

Le Plan national de gestion de risque acridien (PGRA) est constitué de deux composantes : le Plan de prévention du risque acridien (PPRA) et le Plan national d’urgence antiacridienne (PNUA). 

Le Plan de prévention du risque acridien (PPRA) a pour objet

The World Food Programme has enhanced its early warning systems through a Corporate Alert System, which enables the organisation to achieve a greater cross-functional understanding of risks that are external to the organisation. In the Sahel, the early warning analysis ensured that WFP was able to analyse risk factors that could worsen an already fragile situation.
World Food Programme

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