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Documents and publications

This new publication from the World Meteorological Organization provides a wide-ranging description of how small island States and territories in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific regions are using seasonal predictions and other climate information

'There is a need to develop capacity to undertake effective long-term dynamic adaptation planning and implement decision-making mechanisms to manage multi-sectoral risks that they face and enable SIDS to make their transitions to blue and green economies,' said Fatima Denton, Director of the Special Initiatives Division...
Climate for Development in Africa
Policies and plans
A declaration adopted by the Member States of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) on September 27, 2012, on the sidelines of the 67th United Nations General Assembly.
Documents and publications

This review provides an inventory of country-level adaptation activities and a summary of key adaptation priorities, based on documents like the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s National Adaptation Programs of Action and National Communications

Documents and publications

This document presents a review of current and planned adaptation action in Middle Africa. For the purpose of this review, Middle Africa is defined as including Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic

Documents and publications

This inventory is an attempt to pull together the threads and to identify what does and what does not work in relation to legal, institutional and planning frameworks for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Africa. It aims to further support the

Documents and publications

This calendar has been developed to help better prepare for food-related emergencies. It works by combining the most authoritative data on seasonal hazards like floods, droughts, pests and cyclones with information about crop cycles and weather patterns.

Documents and publications

This report reviews the progress made in addressing the vulnerabilities of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) through the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy, which includes natural and environmental disasters as one of its themes and means of

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