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by Flickr user dachalan, Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0,
An UK government statement calls for householders at risk of flooding to take responsibility for preventing future damage to their homes despite the fact that this may not reduce the cost of their insurance or even guarantee that they can buy flood cover...
Guardian, the (UK)
by Flickr user qbik / Claudio Mazzetti Creative Commons BY 2.0,
'Les crues sont essentielles à la respiration des fleuves', souligne le WWF. Elles permettent de nettoyer le lit des fleuves, de recharger les nappes alluviales, 'essentielles pour le stockage et l'épuration de l'eau'...
Agence France Presse
IRIN asked experts what the 3,000 low-lying cities such as Bangkok - which includes its delta neighbours - can do to improve their flood resilience. Find out what they said regarding planning, flood control systems, water resource management and private sector engagement...
The New Humanitarian
Documents and publications

The report is divided into two sections: (i) adaptation planning guidebooks and frameworks, and (ii) adaptation planning efforts that are currently underway. This introductory survey report is designed to provide a “road map” to some of this information

As the Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung met his Dutch counterpart, Mark Rutte, in The Hague, both of them stressed the need to implement a Strategic Partnership Agreement on climate change adaptation and water management...
Viet Nam News, Vietnam News Agency
The World Risk Index has classified Vanuatu, Tonga, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands and Guatemala as the most at risk of disasters according to AlertNet...
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
Documents and publications

This report focuses on results achieved from 27 participating countries in the fourth year of the Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition (EEPCT) programme developed to rapidly restore quality education while 'building back better' in

Flood-prone Bangladesh and the Netherlands are planning to exchange research findings and share experience on managing floods, which are projected to worsen because of climate change, reports SciDevNet...
Science and Development Network

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