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Documents and publications
This report is intended to present real-life evidence of how high quality NbS can deliver positive outcomes for climate, nature and people.
Policies and plans
El NAP como un insumo para la actualización de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático.
La mayoría de estos incendios son provocados por la acción humana debido a prácticas rurales como la quema de pastizales y rastrojos para preparar las tierras para el siguiente periodo de siembra.
The World Bank Board of Directors approved a US$ 68 million loan to strengthen epidemiological surveillance and response capacity to public health emergencies in Peru.
World Bank, the
An infrastructure delivery partnership with the Peruvian Government is showing how UK engineering expertise can be shared internationally.
New Civil Engineer
Documents and publications

This project is part of a larger interdisciplinary initiative to evaluate the efficacy of season-ahead flood predictions, proactive management strategies, and communication efforts in disaster planning and relief efforts. The research seeks to better

Heavy rainfall, avalanches raise water levels in glacial lakes, making waves that release water. These disasters are expected to be more common.
Conversation Media Group, the
Documents and publications

This report discusses that despite notable contributions to the literature in recent years, significant gaps remain in the understanding of the interaction between slow-and rapid-onset hazards and resulting displacement in the context of climate change

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