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Documents and publications
This report aims to provide a thematic review on risk governance in Africa as a contribution to the GAR 2015. It identifies achievements, good practices, gaps and challenges against selected HFA indicators with a focus on disaster recovery.
Like much of the continent, East Africa is frequently exposed to natural threats such as floods, droughts and landslides, as well as epidemics and man-made hazards, of all which affect livelihoods and development across the region.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Africa
Documents and publications

This is a three-volume report on an integrated vulnerability analysis of Burundi at both the national and local levels, conducted and on behalf of GIZ by Adelphi in collaboration with the European Academy of Bozen (EURAC) and the Potsdam Institute for

This image shows the first page of the publication.
Documents and publications
The preparation of this National Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the 2013-15 HFA Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and the ISDR partnership.
Documents and publications

This document offers a comprehensive tool for conducting regular vulnerability assessments. It provides a standardised approach to vulnerability assessments covering a broad range of sectors and topics (e.g. water sector, agriculture, fisheries, different

Photo by  Graham Holliday, Flickr user noodlepie: Listening to the radio on a mountain in Rwanda  Bumped into this guy halfway up a mountain in Gicumbi province in northern Rwanda. Carrying cattle feed on his head and listening to the radio in his hands. Read more about this part of Rwanda and gold exploration in the area CC BY-NC 2.0,
Red Cross National Societies in both countries are now using live radio programmes and touring mobile cinemas to provide vital information to communities on how to prevent diseases like malaria and cholera, and how to prepare for disasters...
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Documents and publications

This document evaluates and determines underlying risk factors related to heavy rainfall in Burundi, quantifies damages and identifies activities contributing to sustainable rehabilitation and reconstruction of infrastructure. The report focuses primarily

Evaluation rapide conjointe suite à la catastrophe des 9-10 février 2014 aux alentours de Bujumbura
Documents and publications
The objective of this assessment is to determine the risk factors, damage and activities to contribute to the rehabilitation, reconstruction and safeguards of infrastructure following the floods of February 9-10, 2014 in Burundi.

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