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Policies and plans

Nicaragua cuenta desde el año 2010 con la Estrategia Nacional Ambiental y de Cambio Climático (ENACC) y su Plan de Acción (2010-2015). Esta iniciativa ha organizado acciones coordinadas de distintas instancias públicas para avanzar en el enfrentamiento

Policies and plans

Para enfrentar los problemas ambientales y las afectaciones actuales y potenciales del cambio climático es necesaria la implementación de la Estrategia Nacional Ambiental y del Cambio Climático para garantizar la participación del pueblo organizado y las

Documents and publications

The purpose of this Guide to Effective Practices on Admission and Stay for Persons Moving across Borders in the Context of Disasters (hereinafter: Effective Practices Guide) is to share information on the use of humanitarian protection measures that

Research briefs
A new paper explores the role of different socio-economic and environmental factors in driving gender inequality and levels of coping and adaptive capacity for droughts, in the context of a drying climate, in El Sauce, Nicaragua. This helps to improve understanding of drought vulnerability by looking at gender and other forms of capital.
Stockholm Environment Institute
Documents and publications

This paper investigates the gender dimensions and divisions in Nicaragua that result in gender-differentiated capacities to respond to climate change, with men being able to adapt and women experiencing a downward spiral in capacity and increasing

Documents and publications

This publication presents examples of community engagement and accountability initiatives being implemented in both emergency and longer-term contexts. The case studies exemplify how community engagement and accountability is not only improving the

Documents and publications

This research paper uses statistical meta-analysis to summarise the results of all 16 Effectiveness Reviews carried out under the theme of resilience between 2011 and 2015. Oxfam’s Effectiveness Reviews evaluate the impact of the organization’s projects

Tsunami early warning systems use seismic monitoring to determine location, depth, and magnitude of an earthquake in order to predict the tsunami arrival time and expected wave heights. UNESCO is working on tsunami risk reduction in Central America as well as on raising public awareness and preparedness in cooperation with several donors.

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