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Increasing use of fans, air coolers and air conditioners is placing ‘serious’ strain on grid in north of country
Guardian, the (UK)
Documents and publications
This study assessed the damage caused by the 2022 flash flood in Sindh and identified flood-susceptible zones based on the frequency ratio (FR) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) models.
Documents and publications
This case study aims to present the lessons learned from Lebanon’s Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF) as an example of developing post-disaster recovery governance structures in a context of FCV, specifically under compounded crises.
Educational materials
This is a storybook to help children learn about animal diseases. The publication provides entertaining and educational content that helps children develop an awareness of its importance.
Many of the sectors that are vulnerable to climate change, such as agriculture, infrastructure, and energy, are heavily dependent on the banking sector for financing.
Economic Times, the
Research briefs
2,500 years ago, an earthquake changed the course of the mighty Ganges River, a new study shows. The region remains vulnerable to a similar event now.
Columbia Climate School
Angela Tamrakar
The BIPAD Portal was developed to meet the need to convey information to the community about the technical aspects of engineering that are vital to ensure disaster resiliency.
To enhance Nagaland's ability to respond to natural disaster events, the InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF) co-funded the development and implementation of a parametric insurance solution.
InsuResilience Solutions Fund

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