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Documents and publications

Ce rapport ne prétend pas prédire avec exactitude l’avenir du secteur de l’élevage au Burkina Faso, mais il génère des preuves solides sur les futurs possibles et plausibles. Ce qui constitue une information essentielle pouvant permettre aux décideurs d

Documents and publications

A l’échelle nationale, une stratégie concertée, intégrée, fondée sur le plan scientifique, prenant en compte les principales dimensions du défi que pose Covid19, est sans doute le fondement d’une réponse réussie à cette pandémie. Dans cette lettre

Randomized controlled trial in Burkina Faso finds evidence for high potential of agricultural microinsurance for small-scale farmers.
University of California, Davis
Documents and publications
This climate change profile provides a brief analysis of climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity in the countries in the West African Sahel: Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Nigeria.
Documents and publications

It is clear that a City Development Strategy is already a process that structures priorities in terms of development and growth; it is in this context climate change should not be considered a separate issue because it is recognized that good city

A new effort, 'ARC Replica,' will help governments and humanitarian agencies access and channel financing to 1.3 million people in drought-hit West African communities.
World Food Programme
Documents and publications

This review provides a snapshot of current adaptation and mitigation projects being implemented by multilateral and bilateral donors in the G5 countries of the Sahel. Although not a systematic review, the research for this review has methodically examined

Des foyers améliorés ont été distribués aux ménages vulnérables du Burkina Faso afin de préserver la couverture végétale et de rendre la gestion de l’énergie plus durable.
Croix-Rouge burkinabè

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