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Photo by  © Sustainable sanitation CC BY 2.0
'Experience shows that simple measures for disaster-preparedness like early warning alerts, elevated homes or providing boats can make all the difference between saving and losing lives, homes and livelihoods. We see disaster risk reduction as an investment, not as a cost', said Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response...
European Commission
UNICEF, Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department of the European Commission, the Government of Azerbaijan and Oxfam are joining efforts to improve disaster preparedness and response in the country, starting with children. 'Teaching about disaster risk reduction needs to start with children, and to involve parents and other community members as well...'
European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)
Policies and plans

Working together in Europe and the Mediterranean for the prevention of disasters, preparedness and response:

The objective of this plan is to provide a political and technical instrument containing priorities and guidelines for the action of the European

by Flickr user GoGap / Simon Hooks, Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0,
'Non of the country in our region have a long term policy on integrated water resource management. In most cases there aren’t any disaster risk reduction and prevention strategy and action plan,' said the Executive Director of Regional Environmental Center of the Caucasus...
Financial, the, Business News & Multimedia
Documents and publications

This publication focuses on the importance of education in disaster prevention and makes recommendations on how to support and build on local and national initiatives to reduce the risk of disasters through education. It provides a brief overview of major

Documents and publications

This publication focuses on the importance of education in disaster prevention and makes recommendations on how to support and build on local and national initiatives to reduce the risk of disasters through education. It provides a brief overview of major

The conference was held to sum up the 'Supporting Disaster Risk Reduction amongst Vulnerable Communities and Institutions in Azerbaijan' project co-implemented by the UNICEF, Ministries of Education and Emergency Situations...
Documents and publications

This study provides in-depth analysis and policy recommendations, and focuses on specific challenges or achievements within the housing sector that are of particular concern to Azerbaijan, such as the development of State policy and regulating mechanisms

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