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R$ 400 milhões serem utilizados na construção ou recuperação de infraestrutura danificada ou destruída por desastres em todo o território nacional, incluindo a construção de casas de famílias de baixa renda, remanejando-as das áreas de risco...
Ministry for National Integration
The city government and IBM signed an agreement to build a public information management center for Rio de Janeiro. The Rio Operations Center will integrate and interconnect information from multiple government departments and public agencies in the municipality to improve city safety and responsiveness to various types of incidents, such as flash floods and landslides...
IBM Corporation
Brazil will have one of the fastest computers in the world to help improve climate studies in the country. The supercomputer is being assembled at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), in São José dos Campos, one of leading climate study centers in Latin America...
Brazil - government
G1, Globo, reports on the plan for releasing R$700 million to areas affected by recent flooding, quoting National Secretary of Civil Defence Humberto Viana as saying 'the determination of President Rousseff is for more investment in disaster prevention and flooding', calling for a reversal of culture from disaster response to prevention...
Documents and publications
The preparation of this National Progress Report has been undertaken within the framework of the biennial 2009-11 HFA Monitoring and Progress Review process, facilitated by UNISDR and ISDR System partners.
Documents and publications

This paper provides a list of 'policy prescriptions' for eleven of the world's most influential nations to bring to the table of the UN climate negotiations in Cancun, Mexico from 29 November to 10 December, 2010. It reminds the governments and the UN of

Documents and publications

This report documents the results and impact of CARE Brasil's work in the coast of Bahia. It addresses the ability of vulnerable communities living in the countryside and in the coast to adapt to social, political and economic changes, as well as climatic

Documents and publications

This conference report summarises the key messages conveyed during the debates by the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) and its partners, both inside and outside government, stating that bridging the urban divide is the starting point

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