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Educational materials

The IRIS Education & Outreach program, in collaboration with the seismological and educational communities, develops and implements programs designed to enhance seismology and Earth Science education in K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and in

Educational materials

This site teaches the children how to be prepared for disasters and prevent disaster damage. Children can also learn what causes disasters, play games, read stories and become a Disaster Action Kid.

Educational materials

The Masters of Disaster series is an educational tool that will teach youth the importance of preparedness while reducing fear of the unexpected. The goal is to empower youth with the confidence and knowledge to prepare for disasters and help create a

Educational materials

A variation of information regarding earthquakes for kids, including puzzles and games.

'Legislation enacted a disaster mitigation act in 2000. Each county is encouraged to have a hazard mitigation plan in place' said Nicholas Pinter, a geology professor from Southern Illinois University Carbondale....
Benton Evening News, the
Sensible and cost effective risk reduction programmes, such as early warning systems, strengthened building codes, and emergency preparedness strategies, are the best defense against future catastrophe....
World Bank, the
Photo by Flikr user TZA, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic
Much more needs to be done and much greater funding made available to mitigate the devastating toll of natural disasters in an age when climate change threatens to increase both their frequency and severity, according to new UN report...
United Nations News Centre
'We must build health centres and systems to withstand natural hazards and major emergencies' said Margaret Chan, Director-General of the UN World Health Organization 'If we don’t, lives will be lost needlessly'...
United Nations - Headquarters

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