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Tunisia’s new disaster loss database will enable the country to analyse disaster trends and their impacts in a systematic way. <b>Photo: </b>Haikel Ben Naceur
Tunisia has taken an important step to strengthen its national disaster management with the establishment of a new disaster loss database The database was validated at a major disaster risk reduction forum that also saw 120 practitioners and policymakers recommend that the post-2015 international framework for disaster risk reduction be a more accountable and legally binding charter or convention with funding attached for its implementation. The new database includes previously unreported localized (known as extensive) disasters as well as the more widely reported, bigger disasters (known as intensive).
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Arab States
Documents and publications

MEDPRO technical report no 26:

This report addresses the main policy relevant questions about climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean region and provides answers based on a theoretical framework applied to the case of three Mediterranean

Policies and plans

A declaration by the Mayors and Local Government representatives together with National Government Officials emphasizing the importance of reducing disaster risk in Arab cities, in which the participants of the First Arab conference for disaster risk

'This project promises to help some of the most vulnerable and isolated communities better manage rainwater to reduce the known severe water stress experienced in the drylands and to achieve water security,' said Akissa Bahri of the African Water Facility. 'We hope the results will serve as reference for governments to scale up to reach more communities and improve their lives and livelihoods'...
African Development Bank
From left: Tunisian Minister for the Environement, Mrs. Mamia El Banna Zayani, and the AU Commissioner, Mrs. Rhoda Peace, at the opening ceremony for the 11th Africa Day for the Environment in Tunis, Tunisia, today.
Africa's infrastructure is under pressure from increasing disasters but the infrastructure deficit is an opportunity for the continent to take a global lead on sustainable development and to leap-frog environmentally unfriendly technologies, said Mrs. Rhoda Peace, the Africa Union Commissioner for rural economy and agriculture, at a seminar marking the 11th African Day for the Environment hosted by the Tunisian government.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Africa
Documents and publications

A declaration by the Mayors and Local Government representatives together with National Government Officials emphasizing the importance of reducing disaster risk in Arab cities, in which the participants of the First Arab conference for disaster risk

Documents and publications

This report briefly describes the activities implemented of the Euromed PPRD South Programme and the main results achieved with the view of sharing knowledge and lessons learnt both with the Civil Protection professionals as well as the wider public. It

Documents and publications
This report presents the institutional and legal framework for disaster risk reduction in Tunisia, and describes its common disaster risks and natural hazards, such as flood, wild fire and earthquake.

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