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'With planning, preparation, community support, [..] it is possible to come through a major natural disaster, without major loss of life, and with the resiliency to build again, better than before' writes Jesse Dykstra, Natural Hazards Research Centre at Canterbury University...
New Zealand Herald, the - APN Holdings NZ Limited
Le géologue néo-zélandais Robert Langridge, de l'Institut des sciences géologiques et nucléaires, livre une première analyse du tremblement de terre qui a frappé le pays le 4 septembre, et explique pourquoi l'evenement à provoquer peu de victimes...
Le Monde
'Events like the 2009 tsunami that devastated Samoa and Tonga, and floods that submerged Fiji’s Western Division in January 2009, are constant reminders that people and governments must be prepared to deal with natural disasters at a moment’s notice' said Mosese Sikivou, SOPAC DRR Programme...
Secretariat of the Pacific Community
A $4.7m New Zealand government grant will enable UNSW scientists to develop satellite surveying technologies to monitor disasters such as floods and fires in real-time and to help predict earthquakes and volcanoes...
Spatial Source, The Intermedia Group Pty Ltd
High Performance Computing Facility, by Michael Uddstrom, NIWA
'One of the most powerful computers in the world for use in environmental research and forecasting' will help New Zealand scientists’ produce more accurate forecasts of the impacts of severe weather events and model climate change...
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research
Documents and publications

This fact sheet analyses the preparations New Zealand households had made for a natural disaster. It is intended to help determine how prepared they are for natural disasters, and may also be used to find out which types of households are the most and

Photo by Flickr user, Vtveen, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic
The Natural Hazards Centre, a collaboration between the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA) and GNS Science have today published Natural Hazards 2009, a review of New Zealand’s major hazard events...
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research
Documents and publications

This publication provides a view of New Zealand’s major hazard events of 2009, and the work of the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA), GNS Science and other organizations in their efforts to reduce the risks and mitigate the effects

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