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Documents and publications
This article introduces the notion of ‘disaster scenes’. In this work, the authors draw on interview data collected from residents impacted by the Jagersfontein tailings disaster in South Africa in September 2022.
Areal view on Johannesburg, South Africa.
Alexandra Township is a 20-square-block enclave in the heart of Johannesburg, South Africa's northern suburbs. Today, it is home to more than 1.2 million. This surge in population growth has left the neighborhood facing high levels of pollution.
World Resources Institute
Documents and publications
This paper describes a project that brought together government stakeholders, members of an informal settlement community, academics from different disciplines, and the private sector to identify alarms appropriate for the conditions in dwellings.
The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has called for advanced early warning systems in order to enhance the resilience of communities against weather disasters.
South African Broadcasting Corporation
New research into rural small-scale farms in South Africa’s North West province has found that climate-smart farming techniques lead to a better maize yield, a more regular supply of food for the farmers, and a wider variety of crops.
Conversation Media Group, the
Documents and publications
This research focuses on how mobile-enabled risk communications about weather hazards can be more inclusive.
Extreme electrical storm, South Africa
The increased intensity of tropical and mid-latitude cyclones has caused severe damage to coastal tourism infrastructure in South Africa’s coastal provinces, which are a hub for tourism.
Conversation Media Group, the
An African farmer with his herd of goats.
As a result of the drought, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network expects staple food prices to be higher across the region than in both 2023 and the five-year average.
Dialogue Earth

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