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Research briefs
New research from ANU has shown that climate change is negatively affecting the emotional wellbeing of young Australians. These feelings are exacerbated by what young people see as shortcomings in their climate education.
Australian National University
Documents and publications
This study aimed to evaluate university students’ perceptions of flood risk and their understanding of common flood probabilities in the Greater Sydney region of Australia.
Research briefs
When Australia's east coast is caught in the grip of a heatwave, relief can come in the form of abrupt, often gale-force wind changes known as "southerly busters".
Conversation Media Group, the
Documents and publications
This report presents the results of the assessment of the effectiveness of the state government activities to support the recovery of the 39 local government areas (LGAs) impacted by the North and Far North Queensland monsoon trough in 2019.
Aerial View of homes under water in Australia's flooding disaster. Also features paddlers surveying damage.
As climate-related disasters intensify, more people will be find their homes unlivable or uninsurable. Australia needs to start planning now, to relocate our most at-risk communities before it's too late. The long-term benefits are incalculable.
Conversation Media Group, the
Flooded street, Quensland, 2011
Across half of Australia’s states and territories, the driver handbook ignores flooding. That’s a missed opportunity, considering the handbook contains road rules and provides advice on how to navigate safely.
Conversation Media Group, the
A firefighter surveys wildfire damage in Queensland, Australia
At least seven times over the last two millennia, our new research shows bushfire-prone southeast Australia has endured bushfire weather as bad or worse than what was experienced during the devastating Black Summer bushfires.
Conversation Media Group, the
Hundreds of exotic pines and other tree species beside the Great Western Highway west of Lithgow will be removed or trimmed to build greater bushfire resilience on one of regional NSW’s busiest routes.
New South Wales Government

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