National policies and plans

This page displays national policy documents, strategies and plans on disaster risk, climate adaptation and resilience.

Governance of risk plays a central role in managing disaster risk. Disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies, in particular, are crucial for coordinating DRR implementation at both the national and local levels. They serve as the cornerstone for effective disaster risk governance and risk-informed development.

National policies and plans for disaster risk reduction are comprehensive strategies designed by governments to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. They typically include establishing a national disaster management agency, creating legal and institutional frameworks, and integrating disaster risk reduction into broader development planning.

Policies and plans
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar is committed to disaster risk reduction and it has systems and procedures at National, State/Region, District, Township, Wards and Village Tracts levels for Disaster Management
Cover and source: India
Policies and plans
Eight National Missions form the core of the NAPCC, which represents India's multi-pronged, long-term and integrated approach for achieving key goals in the context of climate change.
Policies and plans

Validé en 2011, ce plan propose diverses actions pour garantir la sécurité des personnes face à trois types d'aléas naturels: submersions marines, inondations par ruissellement ou crues soudaines et ruptures de digues fluviales ou maritimes

Policies and plans

A National Disaster Risk Management Strategy (NDRMS) for 2010-2015, endorsed by the Government of the republic of Tajikistan on 30th May of 2010, is a key strategic document in the field of disaster risk management in Tajikistan. The NDRMS is based on the

Cover and source: Government of Kiribati
Policies and plans
The National Disaster Risk Management Plan (NDRMP) is intended to guide stakeholder decision making in all aspects of the DRM continuum in Kiribati, embracing an all hazards approach that is to be utilised by all key stakeholders.
Policies and plans
This National Disaster Management Policy seeks to create a foundation for the development of an effective and functional legal, institutional framework and good governance for disaster risk management (DRM).
Cover of the White Paper: woman running with a stroller in the rain
Policies and plans
The White Paper states that everyone is responsible for climate change adaptation - individuals, business and industry and the authorities. For these adaptation measures to succeed, projections on future climate and knowledge are essential.
Policies and plans

This document is the action plan for disaster risk reduction (National Platform) prepared by the Finnish Cooperation Network, appointed to act as a cooperation body and to prepare a National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. It mainly features

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