
27833 items found. Page 2765 of 2784.

Photo by Flikr user, Muhammad, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
The structural collapse has focused renewed attention on the state of school buildings in Pakistan, and the potential threat they pose to thousands of children....
The New Humanitarian
Photo by Hank LeClair, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
The Pacific Disaster Net is a web-based portal that will help to link disaster management specialists and resources throughout the Pacific region....
Secretariat of the Pacific Community
The National Disaster Coordinating Council launched yesterday a Hazard Mapping and Assessment for Effective Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (READY) Project....
Philippine Information Agency
Tropical storm Olga by Alan Sterling, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic
Relief efforts also focus on rehabilitation of income generating activities, providing school materials to children, assisting farmers in reviving their crops and establishing disaster risk reduction measures....
Presbyterian Church in Canada, the
Photo by Ahron de Leeuw, Creative Commons attribution 2.0 generic
Tens of billions of US$ must be spent on protecting millions of people living on the coasts of Asia Pacific if climate change-induced disasters are not to wreak havoc and eradicate decades of development, warns new report....
World Vision International
Il y aura toujours des inondations. Afin néanmoins qu'elles causent le moins de dégâts possible, il faut des données de base complètes sur les dangers, comme des cartes de dangers et des prévisions détaillées, des programmes de protection et des ouvrages solides qui résistent aux surcharges ainsi que des interventions bien préparées et coordonnées. Telle est la conclusion de l'analyse des crues d'août 2005, effectuée sous la direction de l'Office fédéral de l'environnement(OFEV).
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
'This is just one instrument as part of a World Bank effort to deliver customized financial solutions and help plan efficient responses to catastrophic events' said Gloria Grandolini of the World Bank.
World Bank, the
Melting glacier by Flikr user, Open Democracy, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
These events 'underline the increasing vulnerability of humanity to natural disasters, vulnerability that is set to rise under the scientific scenarios if climate change is left unchecked' said Achim Steiner....
United Nations - Headquarters
Mayor Orchid Fornier gave full support to this program 'to increase the awareness of her constituents on what to do in times of calamities to attain zero casualty just like the recent disastrous typhoon that hit Western Visayas'.
Philippine Information Agency
The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) is set to make a payout of approximately US$6.3 million to the government of the Turks and Caicos Islands...
Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility, the

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