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Founded in 2003, DARA is an independent organisation committed to improving the quality and effectiveness of aid for vulnerable populations suffering from conflict, disasters and climate change.
DARA has recognised expertise in providing support in the field of humanitarian aid as well as climate change and disaster risk reduction management. We have conducted
evaluations of humanitarian operations in over 40 countries across five continents for a variety of government, United Nations and European Union gencies, as well as other major international humanitarian organisations, such as the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement.
- ALNAP, Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance
- ICVA, International Council of Voluntary Agencies
- GCCA, Global Campaign for Climate Action
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.